Chapter Twenty

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hella smut here just a warninnn 💞

"I know, I really want to take my costume off but I'm too lazy to get up," Kalani said as she yawned.

"Can I take it off for you?" Maddie asked shyly.

"What?" Kalani raised an eyebrow.

"Um, can I take it off for you?" She asked again as her face turned bright red.

"Please do," Kalani said as she gently grabbed Maddie's face and pulled her in for a kiss.

Maddie's lips made her way down to Kalani's neck as she laid down soft kisses. "Can I have you?" Maddie mumbled.

"Yes," Kalani said as she pulled Maddie on top of her. "Please."

Maddie pulled her legs over Kalani's lap and gently lowered herself. Before she could kiss her, Kalani flipped her over.

"I want you first," she smiled.

She pressed her thumb against the taller girls bottom lip before sliding her hand down gently around her neck. Maddie let out a small gasp as Kalani reached down and placed her lips on hers.

Maddie's hands made their way under Kalani's shirt to her hips. Kalani smirked as she grabbed Maddie's hand and moved it lower. The taller girl felt Kalani's teeth sink into her bottom lip causing her to let out a small moan. Kalani took the opportunity to slip her tongue into Maddie's mouth as she gently found hers.

Maddie moved her hands back up and tugged on Kalani's shirt.

"Is this okay?" Maddie mumbled in between kisses.

Kalani smirked as she slowly removed her shirt. "Only fair if you do it too."

"Sure thing," Maddie smiled as she slipped off her shirt as well.

Maddie nervously bit her lip as she stared at the shirtless girl on top of her.

"What?" Kalani asked worriedly.

"You're fucking hot," Maddie said honestly.

Kalani chuckled as she was a bit taken back by the comment from the innocent girl. "Just wait until you see more."

With this Kalani quickly slammed her lips against Maddie's again, eager for more.

Kalani's fingers slowly traced circles around Maddie's stomach, causing the taller girls breath to quicken.

Before she could get too nervous, Kalani quickly slipped off Maddie's pants.

Maddie felt as though her heart was going to beat out of her chest when Kalani's warm fingers gently tugged at the corner of her underwear.

"Madison," Kalani squeaked out.

"Yeah?" Maddie asked.

"You sure you want to do this? You really don't have to, I promise."

"Kalani, I love you. I really want to do this," she smirked.

"Yeah, but I just don't want you to think-"

"I don't think anything," Maddie cut her off as she softened her smirk and placed a kiss on her cheek, "I love you and I want you to be my first time."

"Madison, I like really love you."

"And I love you," Maddie said as her eyes trailed down Kalani's body.

Maddie grabbed Kalani and pulled her back down into a kiss. Maddie's body shivered as Kalani slipped her hand into her underwear.

Maddie's breath hitched and she let out a moan into Kalani's mouth which caused her to pick up the pace. Maddie tightly gripped Kalani's hips as she bit her lip.

Kalani removed her hand and Maddie let out a whimper. Maddie felt warm kisses trail down her body before her underwear was slid off her body.

Maddie grabbed the sheets as she felt Kalani's finger slowly enter.

"More," Maddie gasped. Kalani bit her lip as she put in two.

A smirk trickled into Kalani's face as she slowly moved her face closer to the girl.

Maddie hurriedly grabbed a hand full of brown hair and gently tugged it closer. Maddie's body exploded with goosebumps as she felt a familiar tongue.


"Madison Ziegler, get the fuck out of bed," Maddie heard as she felt herself getting pulled off the bed. "Put on some fucking clothes."

Maddie's eyes shot open as she realized what was happening. She quickly grabbed the closest shirt and pair of shorts she could find and hurried outside of her room.

"Mom, what the hell?" She grumbled.

"What the hell? Yeah, what the hell, Madison? I come into your room and see two naked girls laying on your bed? I think the fuck not," Melissa said as she crossed her arms.

"Mom, you said you were okay with Kalani and I."

"Yes, I said I would tolerate you being together. I did not say it was okay for you two to be fucking in my house. I want her out of here in five minutes. Get ready for dance, you have it in thirty minutes, I'll deal with you before we leave."

Maddie groaned, "before we leave?"

"Yeah, I'm driving you because your sorry ass has gotten their car taken away."

Maddie rolled her eyes before walking back into her room.

"What the fuck was that?" Kalani asked as Maddie plopped back down into bed.

"You have to leave," she pouted, "but I'll see you soon at dance."

"Oh, yeah. I totally forgot we have that today. Fuck, I'm probably going to be late," Kalani said as she hurriedly found her clothes, "will you cover for me with Abby? I'm still kinda new and she'll probably be mad."

"Don't worry, honey, I got it."

"I know because you're her favorite," she giggled as she stuck her tongue out. "I'll see you soon."

Kalani placed a kiss on Maddie's forehead before heading out the door.

Maddie quickly threw on what she was wearing to dance. She sighed as she walked down to the kitchen to find her mom.

"Alright, lay my punishment out on me."

"You're car is gone for two weeks."


"Kalani's not allowed over for two weeks."

"Got it."

"And you owe me a talk."

"About?" Maddie groaned.

"This whole thing. Like are you guys official?"

"Yes, mom."

"So, how are you guys going to go about it?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean with dance and everything. Are you two going to come out? Are you going to tell Abby? Are you going to tell the other girls?"

"Well, pretty much all the girls know."

"Okay, so, Abby? Also, you're kind of famous, if you forgot. It could cause a lot of drama."

"I know, mom. This isn't easy for me, okay? I was hoping just to figure it out as I go," Maddie sighed.

"Best of luck to ya," Melissa rolled her eyes as she got up. "I'm leaving for dance, get your sister."

Maddie yelled to Mackenzie and made her way to the car. She thought to herself, "should we tell people?"

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