Chapter One

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"Maddie, let's go, you're going to be late for school," Melissa said as she shook Maddie.

Maddie quickly sat up and looked at her mom. "What time is it?" She asked with a groggy voice.

"It's seven. You have fifteen minutes to get ready or I'm taking your keys and you're grounded for a week. You've missed to many days, Madison."

Maddie rolled her eyes before saying, "whatever, mom, I'll be ready."

"You better be," Melissa said before walking out, "and you should start setting a damn alarm on your phone."

Maddie tossed a pillow at her door after her mom shut it. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes before throwing her blankets off her warm body and getting out of bed. She walked into her closet and grabbed whatever she could find. Then she walked to her bathroom and laughed at her image in the mirror.

Her brown hair was sticking up in many places. Her blue eyes were bloodshot from the lack of sleep.

Her makeup dripped down her face as she splashed water onto it. She quickly wiped it all off.

She put on the clothes she grabbed. Some black shirt, a big red and black flannel, and skinny jeans. She quickly applied just some mascara and lip gloss. Then she walked back to her room and put on her black converse. She grabbed a beanie out of her closet and put it on after brushing her hair.

She threw her blue and black checkered backpack over her shoulder before going into the bathroom and quickly brushing her teeth.

"Maddie, you have thirty seconds before I take your keys and leave!" She heard her mom shout from downstairs.

She put down her tooth brush and sprinted downstairs. She grabbed an apple and ran to the table with her keys on it but they were gone.

"Damn it," she huffed.

She walked to her moms car and knocked on the window.

"Mom, where are my keys?" She asked in frustration.

"I told you that you had fifteen minutes. You took sixteen. Your keys are mine for a week. Now get in or you'll be late to school." Her mom replied.

She kicked the cars tire before walking around and hopping into the car with her mom and sister Mackenzie.

"Madison, you are sixteen years old. You need to be more responsible..."

She zoned out from her moms rant while she put on her headphones and turned up her music.

"Madison!" She heard as her headphones were taken from her ears.

"What the hell, mom?" She shouted in frustration.

"Talk to me like that again and I'm pulling you from dance," her mom demanded.

"Sorry, mom," Maddie rolled her eyes.

"You better be. If you keep acting out like this, I'm not letting you do anything for your birthday next month."

Before Maddie could say anything, Mackenzie shouted, "mom, that's not fair. You can't do that."

"Kenzie, stay out of this, will ya?" Melissa sighed.

"No, mom. Maddie would do the same for me. Plus, she's turning seventeen, you can't keep treating her like she's my age."

"Kenzie, I love you but stop. You're going to get in trouble," Maddie sighed and she reached behind her seat and gave Kenzie a high five.

"Whatever, we'll talk about this later," Melissa said as she pulled into Maddie's and Mackenzie's high school.

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