"It's permanent of course." Sprite said before heading outside to the car.

"Sprites temper is really bad...Thank you for fixing things." Arthit said as he hugged Kongpob then quickly went to the car where the others were waiting.

"Heart don't beat so fast you might explode." Kongpob said as he took a breath before leaving locking the door behind him.

The whole ride there Sprite took all of Arthits attention she refused to let Kongpob get a word in. He was actually thankful to get to Sra Bua the restaurant.

At least now he'd be included in the conversation. As they walked in and were directed to their table Kongpob realized he had a new set of problems.

Yuri quickly jumped up waving her arm to get his attention he sighed. When he looked over to Arthit and Sprite he could swear his sister was giving him a dirty look.

He then walked as slow as possible until he realized Yuri was saving the seat next to her and it was either him or Arthit.

Kongpob just barely managed to get the seat next to Sprite forcing Arthit to take the seat next to Yuri who was visibly disappointed.

"Ooo I was trying to save this seat for him." Yuri told Arthit not really caring that she sounded a bit rude.

"Ahhh...Sprites mad at me right now so I think it's better I sit here to makeup right Sprite." Sprite slowly shook her head yes.

She didn't want the touchy girl to close to him either. "Do you like his hair?" Sprite said giggling. She stopped when Yuri excitedly went on about how she thought it was a wonderful change.

"Arthit right?..." Yuri said somewhat sweetly.
"Do you mind switching seats with me?

Arthit was about to say no when he felt a vice like grip on his thigh. "I'd rather not." He gave her an apologetic look. Before moving Kongpobs hand.

Sprite who had been watching the two closely gave her brother an approving nod.

"Nong Sprite." Yuri called out.

"I'd rather not move either I hardly ever get time to spend with my brother now that he has a fan." She said holding Kongpobs arm.

Kongpob choked on his drink and Arthit froze. While everyone else looked at Kongpob and Sprite.

"You have a girlfriend P'?" Who is she? What's her name?" Yuri rambled gripping her glass tightly.

"Yu" Mr. Myagi called "how can he answer if you ask so many questions at once.

"Why would he answer all those questions it's not like she's his girlfriend." Sprite muttered.

Kongpob fought a laugh and Arthit smirked.
Yuri glared at the nine year old and Sprite gave an innocent look.

Kongpobs mom quickly changed the subject. "So Yuri how has school been."

"It's been fine..." Yuri answered "how's school going for you Kongpob?"

"It's been good." Kongpob answered dryly "that's good is that where you met your girlfriend?" Yuri asked quickly.

Kongpob merely shook his head no not looking up. He did not feel like being the center of attention right now.

"I'm sad we're supposed to be friends but you won't answer my questions...can I at least know what she looks like?" Yuri continued ignoring the signals of her father and the uncomfortable look of everyone except Sprite.

"I'll tell you." Sprite answered Kongpobs brows furrowed as he glanced at Arthit who skin looked paler than normal.

"My brothers fan has short stylish hair,and big doe eyes the prettiest milky smooth skin and red pouty lips."

Yuri didn't look happy hearing Sprites definition..."what's her name?"


Arthit fumbled with his silverware and Kongpob looked up to find both his Mae and Por starring at them.

"P'Arthit....can I have your napkin mine is dirty." Sprite said with wide innocent eyes.

Arthit quickly handed it over. Sprite then looked over at Yuri who was starring at Arthit.
"I don't think I should tell you that P'Yuri. Since my brother doesn't seem to want to say."

Yuri shook her head in understanding looking away from Arthit. Both boys relaxed when everyone went back to their meal. Until Kongpob looked up to see his Mae still giving him a curious look.

The dinner couldn't be over soon enough

ChangesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora