Chapter Five [Edited]

Start from the beginning

“We had drinks at the bar a month ago,” I said defensively. “Besides, it’s not healthy to get drunk all the time.”

“Oh, pish posh,” Margaret scoffed. “That was a month ago! At least have a little wine?”

“Oh, all right,” I consented, downing my lemonade and grabbing my wine. Margaret grinned smugly while Olivia just rolled her eyes.

“Margaret, you’re crazy.”

“But you love me anyways!” Margaret responded cheekily and Olivia sighed.

“Unfortunately. Well, I’m off to go socialize. See ya!” Olivia said as she fluttered away.

“We should go socialize too. Here, let me introduce you to the new tenants,” Margaret said, linking her arm with mine and leading me around the party.

By the time we ate and finished socializing, I was exhausted. I liked catching up with everyone, but there were so many people. It was craziness.

“That was fun!” Margaret chirped.

“I think you’re a little drunk there,” Olivia chuckled.

“At least she won’t have to drive home. Do you need any help getting her back to your apartment?” I asked Olivia.

“Nah, I’m good. C’mon Margaret, let’s go,” she said gently, grabbing Margaret’s hand and leading her out of the door.

I smiled at the remaining people.

“Night!” I said, departing with my empty lasagna baking pan.

The rest of the week seemed to simultaneously fly by and crawl forward. It moved quickly as it felt like I had no time to clean my apartment or make any dishes for the weekend. My mother and I would just have to eat out during the duration of her visit. On the positive side of things, I was able to bake my pie, and it was a real struggle not to sample it once it came out of the oven and filled my apartment with its delicious apple-y smell.

However, work seemed to take forever. The move was just atrocious. There were boxes everywhere around the office, and people kept losing things. The reports were put on hold while my team packed up the office and threw out old belongings. Even small things like furniture had to be re-organized. The IT department took our computers, so we couldn’t work even if we wanted to work. Unfortunately, the new office space wasn’t completely done – IT had to move around the furniture as the custodial staff just didn’t put things where they needed to be. Even an electrician had to be called when the Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning system emitted a burning noise. It was a small problem, but those were all that this week had contained: problem after problem after problem.

It was getting a little tedious.

I almost cheered when the clock struck 4:30 PM on Friday and I could leave the office. Most of everything was semi-organized in the new space, and I let out a sigh of relief. I could’ve cried I was so happy.

“Hey Anaya- most of the other engineers have left, and I’m going to head out, too. Does anything else need to be done before the weekend? I know the IT folks left some notes on desks of what furniture needs to be moved and whatnot,” Dave informed me as he poked his head into my bare office.

“Great, thanks. I think everything’s good for the weekend. Seriously, Dave, you’re a lifesaver. I don’t know how we would’ve gotten all the equipment moved and organized without your help.”

“No need to thank me. I’m a lab technician; it’s my job,” Dave said, smiling a little as he shifted his bag and walked out of the office.

As I was about to follow him to leave, I was interrupted.

Ace of Hearts - All We Are Series [NaNoWriMo 2014] [#JustWriteIt]Where stories live. Discover now