40 - Underneath It All

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Monday 30th June 1997 - Part One

As my eyes fluttered open, there was only one thought on my mind. Draco.

I could not wait to see him. Getting ready, I was surprised to feel the beginnings of nerves, almost as though I was going on a real date. I carefully dressed in my uniform and made extra effort with my hair and make up, ignoring Hermione's curious glances.

"Ugh, double Potions first thing," Ron groaned as I joined him in the common room.

Not for me!

"It will be interesting to see how you cope, Etta," Hermione said haughtily as she came down the stairs behind me, "now you no longer have that dreadful book to 'help' you."

"Whatever," I muttered, rolling my eyes; avoiding the temptation to stick my middle finger right up in her smug face.

"Wonder if Malfoy will be there," Ron pondered as he hoisted his bag over his shoulder. "You know, after you did him over good and proper."

I froze at the mention of his name, suddenly finding it extremely difficult to meet my friend's eye.

"We'll see," I shrugged lightly, knowing that I really will... and soon.

We walked into the Great Hall and my heart fluttered when I spotted him sitting at the Slytherin table. Almost as though he had been waiting, he looked up, and a small smile tugged at his lips the moment his eyes found mine.

"Did Malfoy just smile at you?!" Ron asked, flabbergasted.

"Uh- I'm pretty sure it was a smirk," I said hastily, trying to hide my blush as I quickly hurried him along, pushing him towards the Gryffindor table.

I could not eat. At least I could not find the appetite to eat. I just wanted breakfast to be over so I could go to Draco. I had no idea what his plan was for our 'date', but I did not care. We had spent so much time fighting since we had known one another, that the thought of just being with him sent nervous thrills zipping through the pit of my stomach.

I dared glance back at the Slytherin table and I noticed that he had finished his breakfast and was just sitting. Waiting.

Throwing my half-eaten toast down on my plate, I stood up. I could not wait anymore.

"You going already?" Ron asked thickly through a mouthful of scrambled egg. "Potions doesn't start for another twenty minutes."

"No - I - uh... I'm not feeling well," I stuttered, my mind now only on Draco. "I think I might just go to back to my room and sleep it off."

"Etta!" Ron called after me. But I did not respond, already halfway across the hall. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Draco rise from the Slytherin table. My stomach twisted in excitement.

"Let's go," he growled in my ear as soon as he caught up with me in the Entrance Hall, the sound of his voice causing goosebumps to erupt over my skin.

Without waiting for a response, he grabbed my hand and led me towards the large front oak doors.

"Wait-" I said, looking around to see if anyone was watching. "Isn't this a bit risky leaving out the front door? What if a teacher sees us?"

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