27 - Another One Bites The Dust

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Ugh. Draco Malfoy had become insufferable.

The first thing Umbridge did in her new role as headteacher was to appoint her little gang of Slytherins to become her bitches and named them the 'Inquisitorial Squad'.

And guess who made Head Bitch?

"I really do have the power to put you in detention now, Potter, so you'd better start behaving yourself," Draco said, sidling up to me in Potions as I rifled through the supply cupboard.

He simply loved to thrust his new shiny badge in my face at every given opportunity.

"Get bent, Malfoy," I spat, refusing to look at him.

"My, my, my, no need to be so rude. Unless you want me to put you in detention," he smirked. "After all, I know just how much you love being alone with me."

He moved so close behind me now that I could smell the distinct waft of peppermint on his breath mingled with the faint fragrance of expensive cologne.

"You want me, Potter," he hummed softly as the tickle of hot, uneven breaths whispered against the top of my ear. "I can see it in your eyes."

I noticed he had placed his fingers on the inside of the cupboard and so I slammed the door shut, making him yelp as he swiftly pulled his arm back.

"You little bitch," he snarled, cradling his fingers in his hand.

I threw him an unapologetic look before striding back to my cauldron.

"Blimey, that was cold," Ron chuckled as I dumped the ingredients on the desk and began furiously hacking at them with my knife.

"He was winding me up," I gritted through my teeth, nearly chopping my finger off instead of the frog's leg.

It wasn't just Draco Malfoy winding me up though. Snape's Occlumency lessons were becoming unbearable. I now had another memory of Draco I wanted to suppress which made it virtually impossible to block anything else. It meant I had to endure another chapter and verse from Snape about what a weak and pathetic individual I was.

And when Fred and George decided to do a spectacular early exit, I was sorely tempted to join them. Except that I had OWLs and if I wanted to become an Auror, then I needed to do well. Ugh. My fucking life.

But it was during one of my exams when some serious shit happened.

I had a vision.

Basically, Sirius was going to fucking die if I did not do my hero thing ASAP.

But before I could act, that fucking Umbridge and her Inquisitorial Squad caught us. The glee on Draco's face as Umbridge handed him my wand made me want to scream. I refused point blank to tell Umbridge that I was on a mission to save my godfather.

"The Cruciatus Curse ought to loosen your tongue," Umbridge said, quietly. That evil fucking bitch!

"No!" Hermione shrieked. "Professor Umbridge - it's illegal!"

But like that toad gave a shit. Instead she was eyeing me with a nasty, eager, excited look on her face, measuring me up for a spot of torture. She raised her wand.


Umbridge's arm froze mid air and we all turned to look at Draco in surprise. He had jumped off the windowsill where he had been languishing, a look of slight horror upon his face.

"What, boy?" Umbridge snapped, sounding annoyed at the interruption.

He didn't seem to know what to say, his eyes flicked to mine and I was startled to see panic in them. If I didn't know better, I'd say he cared.

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