Chapter 9: The Trouble With Instinct

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"This is the female form, vapor,
A divine nimbus exhales from it from head to foot,
It attracts with fierce undeniable attraction,
I am drawn by its breath as if I were no more than a helpless vapor, all falls aside but myself. And what was expected of heaven or fear'd of hell, are now consumed... and the response is likewise ungovernable."

-Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass: "Children of Adam"

Sans' POV:

I didn't plan on seeing ______ anymore that day. I really didn't. In fact, I'd actually intended to give her a break, a little time to recover from our mockery of a meet-cute the night before. But when I sensed her so nearby, felt the familiar draw of her soul... It was impossible to resist the pull. My feet moved on their own as I was taken completely by the primal, instinctual need to be closer to my mate. I felt my own soul lifting the closer I got to her, slowly but surely alleviating the tension throbbing so constantly within in my chest that I had forgotten it was even there.

When I finally laid eyes on her, an overwhelming wave of relief crashed over me. I wanted to be closer. I needed to be closer. I'd been riding the pine for too long; I had to have her in my arms.

N o w.

Pretty much all humans were out of touch with their souls, and judging by the fact that she didn't notice my presence until I was right behind her, _____ was no exception. The predator in me crooned in delight at her reaction, how she stiffened and began to shake as the enticing aroma of her helpless fear filled the air. She was so perfect, so naturally submissive...


I couldn't hold back the soft laugh of glee that slipped out, brushing the hairs on the crown of her head.

"Well ain't this a sweet surprise?"

If I hadn't felt the delicious stab of fear in her soul at the sound of my voice, I would've thought she hadn't heard me. But no, if I didn't know better... I'd say she was ignoring me.

'heh. let's see how long you can keep that up, darlin'...'

Eager to have those wide, expressive eyes looking up at me again, I reached my hands out turn her around, huffing in amusement as she whirled and ducked right out from under my arms like a little door mouse scampering away from a cat. Wait, was she stopping for her grocery cart? Oh my god she was precious.

I glanced at the rack of cheap insoles she'd been looking at and made a quick note to myself to get her a new pair of shoes... then I made a second note to find someway to get her to not give them away to the nearest fucking stray.... but that could wait. I shortcutted to the other end of the aisle, grabbing the front of her shopping cart to stop her. The damn thing actually dented as I grasped it in my fist- what did they make this shit out of, tin foil??

The shocked little squeak and 'oof!' Sounds she made after her basket's sudden halt were too cute for words.

"you just gonna split without sayin' hi, sweetheart? gotta say, I'm kinda hurt," I teased with a wide grin that she didn't look up to see.

_____ tried again, this time just grabbing her hand bag and abandoning her groceries before she ran. Oh c'mon, why was she still trying? She was a smart girl, smart enough to know what battles to pick... to know what battles she'd lose.

Person of InterestTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon