Chapter 18 ~ Japan's Sleepover

Start from the beginning

A few turns later and the moans were louder but we continued on and it was Poland's turn to ask someone. "Niemcy , truth or dare?" I took a second to think. I have been doing dares for a while now so why not truth? "Truth!" I waited for his question. "Ok so, who do you have a crush on?" He looked up and my eyes went wide. I didn't expect this!! I looked around and everyone was staring right at me...this is too stressful. "It's..." i mumbled the rest of my sentence. "What was that Niemcy? I couldn't understand you." "It's... someone I've know for a long time. Is that good?" I asked. "No. I need a name." I groaned and looked down to the ground. "You..."

There was an awkward silence for a few minutes. I got worried. Maybe he didn't like me back... I got up and speed walked out of the room and to the bathroom where I locked the door.

~America's POV~

Russia and I were finally done and we walked back into the room but it was really quiet. "Um hey guys...what did we miss?" I asked quietly. "Um, Germany just confessed he had feelings for someone and he ran out of the room." Japan answered my question. I looked at Russia who was visibly worried. Russia than ran out of the room. I sighed and sat down. Who did Germany like? I guess I needed to ask. "Hey um, Poland? Who exactly did Germany have a crush on?" There was silence again. "Me..." he muttered. I looked at Poland and he was about to cry. "Hey hey! It's ok Poland! Don't cry. There's no need you like him?" I asked trying to calm him down. "It's, it's just that our past. I know it was his dad who tortured me and that Germany is different but...I just don't know what I feel now. I do like him but also at the same time I don't..." Poland became quiet and I hugged him. "Look Poland just give it some time and make your decision later when you are ready." I comforted. He nodded and out his knees up to his face.

Poor Poland...

~Germany's POV~

I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I looked at the mirror and looked into my eyes. You could see my pain and suffering and just look at me! I have my dads teeth and I don't like them. Their pointy and sharp and make me look like a vampire. I guess I'll never find love. I slowly sunk to the floor and began to cry. I don't know why, but I couldn't control my crying. I know Poland never liked me and I should have never confessed. I was so stupid to think anyone could love me. That's when there was a knock on the door. "Germany, please open the door. I know your in there."

The voice was not soft like Poland's or Japan's. And it wasn't like America's southern accent. More of a Russian accent. "Russia, please leave me alone..." I stopped my sentence and began crying again. I needed Someone the comfort me and the only one it seemed was Russia who would. I got up and unlocked the door. I went back to the floor and cried again. The door opened and Russia came in. He sat down next to me and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back like he was the only thing I could hold on to. Why were people so nice to me. Russia rubbed circles in my back and my mind went to calmer thoughts. Soon darkness took over my vision and I fell asleep.

~Russia's POV~

Germany fell asleep, I'll guess I'll take him back. I picked him up carefully and took him back to the room where everyone was. Poland was now in the corner with his head on his knees and America and Japan were looking at a book or something. I set Germany down on a beanbag and covered him up with a blanket that was nearby. Poor Germany. I hope whoever he liked, liked him back.

I went back over to my beanbag and looked at the ceiling. I soon fell asleep thinking about Germany and whoever his love was.

~Poland's POV~

I looked back behind me to see everyone asleep. I looked back over to Niemcy. He had bags under his eyes and looked like there was dried tears. Now I feel bad. I do like him. After I thought it over I realized the past is the past and nothing can change it. I realized that I don't like him, but I loved him. I quietly got up and walked over to Germany. I sat down beside him and began to sing a polish song. It was peaceful and quiet. It would make anyone fall asleep or become calm. I cancelled everything else out and just focused on my singing. Once the song was over I looked back down at my Niemcy and he was smiling. It was a soft smile, not a big one and not too small. I cuddled him. I knew now that I wanted to be with him, no matter what. I hope he still likes me, it looked like he took things for the worst and that I didn't love him. I whispered something into his ear that was the only German phrase I know.

"Ich liebe dich"

Soon I fell asleep with Germany in my arms.

Sorry that this chapter was just really about Germany and Poland but they are really cute and I couldn't help myself. This chapter was going to be about Russia and America but things kinda went that same way the christmas party did so I had to change it to about something else and Germany and Poland went to my mind. Still I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you soon. Tchüss!

Niemcy means Germany in polish
Ich liebe dich means I love you in German

Words: 1849

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