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Neither the bangs in my hair
Nor the jeans that I wear
Neither the pupil of my eye
Nor the fat in my thigh

Neither the Brown in my curls
Nor my clumsy, imperfect twirls
Neither the length of my nails
Nor the count of my fauls

Neither the brand of my tops
Nor my boots and flip flops
Neither my lipstick: gloss or matte
Nor my face: round or flat

Neither the tattoos on my skin
Nor my wide, crooked toothed grin
Neither my messy bun
Nor my ideas of fun

Neither my boobs
Nor my flat chest
Speaking of my abs and arms
Won't set off your alarms

None of me wants your scrutiny
None demands your remarks
Neither they bind, nor do they set me free
They do not decide, why I am me.

You need to stop obejectifing me
And change the way you see
Because what you say to me today
Will come back to you someday.

So chill and give it a rest
I may not be, but neither are you the best
We're all living and breathing humans
Don't use our bodies as targets for your guns.

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