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AN: In this story Im writing Chrollo as a man that has never had experience in love, neither does he know anything about woman romantically. So you can say that this is the first time he would ever try to impress a woman. We all know that Chrollo is lowkey a big nerd anyways, he's quiet and his nen abilities literally includes him holding a book. Whilst Rias personality is dauntless and very expressive. They're the opposite of each other so there are moments where he would have like a 'damn what should I do/say' , this would be a softer side to him than any other versions that were written about him.

"Kammiii look at all these treasures!!" Rias exclaimed 'the underworld has many treasures but these are just as amazing' She thought iternally "You were going to keep all this to yourself Chrollo? That's unfair!" she said softly to the man beside her whom was laughing from amusement towards her reaction. "Well does it make you feel better if I say that once im done admiring all the treasures that i've stolen, i'd sell it all away?" Chrollo said smiling at the redhead. "I guess so? So are you going to give me a tour of what these things do or would you let me find out for myself?" She said while already inspecting a crystal vase "To be fair, I and the troupe hadn't even seen what these items can do, so this would be my first time knowing as well. I suppose they wouldn't mind if I see what these can do first, after all they are all pretty occupied themselves for now." Chrollo said but the second sentence was more of him talking to himself.

The both of them had nearly spent an hour finding out what the treasures could do, Chrollo was already used to things like this because he had spent years doing what he was doing, Rias on the other hand was facinated by everything that was in the room. Although Rias's background was luxurious and she had everything and anything she wanted at the palm of her hands, little things like this still facinated her. Chrollo loved the part where Rias had tried on a kimono that could turn her invisible while also concealing her nen, seconds before she 'disappeared' he had agreed how beautiful the woman was, appreciating all the curves and her porcelain skin and also not to mention how big her bust was, he had never seen a woman with a body like hers.

She panicked for a moment when he fell into a deep slumber while trying out a quilt pillow that was stored in a glass case but she figured it was the item ability to make anyone fall asleep, she thought it was quite silly to see the dangerous man fall prey to such item. She giggled at the sleeping man before removing the pillow from underneath him to which he immediately awoke. The both of them eventually ended up on the floor while discovering each one of the tressure abilities. The last item in the room was a crystal ball which Chrollo examined it cautiously "Are you scared of that?" Rias genuinely asked to which he mistook for a sarcastic tone. "Not afraid just merely cautious Rias."

"Lets try it then! I heard crystal balls like this would either show you your past or present, if its true then this item was really worth the effort of stealing," Chrollo hummed in agreement. They both agreed to touch the crystal ball together at the same time.

Both of them experience something different, Rias did not see anything, it was as if she touched and ordinary object, meanwhile Chrollo was currently having a summary of flashback. The important part was it wasn't his flashback but it was Rias's. He vaugely saw how she was in the battlefield and then he was brought to a scene where the atmosphere had red skies and black clouds, the ground had smoke coming out and then creatures were marching towards Rias. Creatures of every size ranged from big to small, it looked like the hellhounds from hell that was depicted in typical religious beliefs. Then it showed, Rias and a group of people, the woman that was previously with her was there too and there was a blonde girl with cat ears, a blue haired woman with a giant sword against her back, a blonde man with a similar weapon as the blue haired woman, a brown haired man stood beside the blonde man and lastly a little boy with fangs stood beside Rias and lastly a blonde long haired woman that looked quite young as well. "Now that our family is complete, we will serve you until our last breath president!" the blue haired woman said turning to Rias which she laughed and said "Don't be so formal Xenovia, we're a family now right"

 "Now that our family is complete, we will serve you until our last breath president!" the blue haired woman said turning to Rias which she laughed and said "Don't be so formal Xenovia, we're a family now right"

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right after that the flashback continues to a scene where Rias was having dinner in a very big palace looking hall, she could see two red head man and a brown haired woman sitting with Rias.

right after that the flashback continues to a scene where Rias was having dinner in a very big palace looking hall, she could see two red head man and a brown haired woman sitting with Rias

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Chrollo thought that this must have been her family as the resemblences was uncanny. The scene looked like she was having an argument with her father to which she walked out of the hall with tears in her eyes. Following this scene was her going through the hunter exams, although he didn't expect for her to be a hunter, he wasn't shock for the fact that she is. Then the flashback that really got to him was when he saw her and Hisoka meeting during the exams. From her not getting along with him to him saving her in the mist forest and to them fighting along side each other at one point and then the part where really made him feel like a knife stabbed through his heart was when he saw the both of them kissing passionately and then being intimate in bed. He couldn't understand the feelings that he was having now and he didn't know that he was capable of feeling jealous, envy was running through his veins, he wanted to fight Hisoka for even having the pleasure of knowing Rias, what more even touching her that way. Still he was taken aback of the flashback he was shown, he knew that the crystal ball abilities now was to show the past of the two people that touched it. This meant Rias was also seeing his, with all the mental strength he could muster up he stopped all the flashbacks of her and came back to reality.

He opened up his eyes to see Rias staring at him, her hands no longer touching the crystal ball. "Chrollo??..." she whispered to him "Wha..what did you see?" she asked softly. She looked at his face that had an unreadable expression, she felt bloodlust oozing from him. She was no doubt intimidated yet she was still curious. "I don't wish to talk about it. " Chrollo hesitantly spoke "Did you saw anything?" he continued trying to regain his composure " Rias tilted her head to the side and rested her chin on her knees "Nothing, it was as if I was touching a broken nen object. Which is quite strange considering you probably saw something." she said pouting. Emotions of anger, jealousy and confusions left him when he conversed with Rias again. She was able to make him abandon all the negative emotions within him. He was bedazzled. "I would love to keep you company for long Rias but there is something I have to attend to soon." He said giving her a fake smile, he didn't want to show his temper to her, she wasn't at fault in any way  so he'd rather dismiss himself out of the situation.

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