Chapter Fifty-One

Start from the beginning

“I might’ve found something good.” (Y/N) lets go of his arm, facing their lap, smile vanishing entirely. “Maybe it won’t be enough to get the mayor behind bars, but. . . It should be enough to get him off your back and everyone else’s.”

“Whaddya mean it ain’t enough? Any piece of evidence should be enough to tail ‘im down.”

They look at him, managing another smile, this one tight-lipped and shaky. A single attempt at speaking makes it falter, visage losing its confidence. “If I do that, it would mean everyone who helped me would be put at risk. Alphys’s in a tight spot again ‘cuz of what she said in court, so if I uncovered what you guys did to rescue me, then. . .”

“Then what? Ya gotta be truthful, (Y/N). Good intentions or not, ya need to be honest with the court -- We already knew what we were signin’ ourselves up for by breaking into private property and facing those guys."

“But that would mean you’ll all get some sort of penalty for what you did! I- I don’t think I can handle that. Seeing you here’s bad enough as it is.”

Wary of their train of thought, Sans searches for something -- anything that might help contradict their statement and turn it around, their conclusion far beyond what he agreed with. 

Frisk had taken the job of forming the infiltration plan, while Toriel, Mettaton, Napstablook, Undyne, Alphys, and himself were in charge of executing it. He already knew what he was getting himself into by facing the mayor, and the others were the same. If there was one thing he had learned from having been given the opportunity to reach the Surface, it was that acting the way he had before wasn’t going to be effective. Even if his powers were only useful when his enemy gave him enough karma to turn against them, he still had to take action now.

Leaving things for last wasn’t an option anymore.

He grabs their hand, rubbing his thumb over the engagement ring, the scenery and sensation both equally surreal. To know (Y/N) had finally worn it was a feeling similar to that of stargazing actual stars rather than the small, glowy rocks from the Underground -- an understatement, even. It was far beyond complex for him to grab onto the concept that he was actually doing this -- that he had actually crafted a future with them by his side.

“No matter what happens in court, the worst thing that can happen’s we get a few years of sentence or probation. I’m sure that new judge wouldn’t go farther than that if you show proof of the mayor setting all this up. Hell, wasn’t he the one responsible for you even losing consciousness in the first place? Are ya really gonna let that go unnoticed -- even when he went s’far as orderin’ some folks to hurt people you’re close with? I'd say now's not the time for you to start doubtin' yourself, pal.”

He holds their cheek next, blinking once before placing a kiss to their lips. 

“I believe in ya, (Y/N).”

The human sighs as soon as Sans pulls away, shoulders stiff. They stand up and request for him to stay in place, walking off to the exit when he nods.

He waits for their return, irises focusing on the clock by the officer’s desk, noticing he was already twenty minutes into their visit. Five more minutes pass until their return, emerging from the same door with a large, paper bag in their hold.

Carefully, they sit down next to him again, peering into the bag and shuffling some of its contents before looking back to him. “They wouldn’t let Faust go with me, but. . . This is for you.”

From the contents they retrieve a lollipop and a folded sheet of paper. He takes the items, hope growing inside his soul when he inspects them. “He made this?”

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