Goodbye my angel part 2

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As the team rush to save lily, meanwhile ray and zari are helping to find a cure on the ship just to keep her at bay while the team find the grimoire that's in hell...John along with the legends arrive in hell again as their In hell the team follow John, but a demon passes by the legends this ain't know demon this is a gambling demon, this demons name is deva......deva is known for following humans to earth and letting them gamble their life away "remember! Not all demons are nice and kind there all sick bastards who think they can get the best of you!" John had remembered the last time he was in hell and he hated it all to pieces! He remembered the past and how much it hurt "alright Constantine where's the book!" Sarah asked as they were walking around "well to be honest with you there's only one bloody demon who will have it and that's only cause he's the governor of hell....his name is Lucifuge Rofocale the protector and guardian of hell!" Sarah,Mick, and Nate looked at John with a confused look but of course who wouldn't

"How do we retrieve the book from this Rofocale guy" Mick grunted at the thought of fighting demons again "I hate hell and demons! Magic guy" Rory obviously wasn't in a good mood "know one does mate, so do us a favor and sod off if you don't wanna join us" the team had to focus on their primary objective which was to save lily by retrieving the book "okay everyone let's go meet lucifuge" Sarah started walking towards the capital building to where she thinks the demon is, then out of nowhere a demon shows up "e'llo Johnny boy! Where do you think your going!" John, along with half the team had turned around "Barbatos!....what does a nasty trickster demon want" John looked at barbatos with a nasty look on his face "same as you except that book is worth a million souls, fun fact I already got the highest bidder and you might know the bloke!"

John was getting mad "well I need the book more than a trickster does" barbatos looked at John with red eyes "didn't you hear Johnny boy! Your the talk of the talk apparently old Johnny boy has a daughter who's dying because of a spell!" At first Constantine didn't understand what he meant but he didn't care about what he meant he just needed the book "listen here Johnny boy the future queen may be dying and all but that's not gonna stop me from. Getting the book from nergal" John was confused and mad at that fact that he heard that name "what does nergal want with the book!" John was getting angry

"Well it's simple nergal wants to use a spell out of the book to to make some poor human die even quicker" barbatos looked at John with red eyes he was trying to make him more mad but when Sarah looked at barbatos! She ran over to barbatos and kicked him in the stomach! Sarah had began throwing punches left and right "screw nergal, if he wants the damn book then he's gonna have to go through us, nothing is going stop us from getting that book and heading back to lily to heal her" barbatos started to laugh at what Sarah had said "Hahahaha.....your gonna have to get past lucifuge and nergal" half of the legends had kept walking they even walked past barbatos who they didn't really care about. "Alright were here....that's where the book is! We just need a way in" John was looking for a way in

Then all of a sudden the door from the capital had opened "seems like a someone is expecting you" Nate looked at John for a second "it seems that way" John responded,

Back on the wave-rider:
Ray along with zari and Mona had kept their eyes on lily just to make sure nothing bad was going to happen to her, "Gideon what's the status on lily life energy" zari was in her room working on something else "Miss lily life energy has increased a little her heart rate is 30 percent her heat temperature is 10 percent" at first zari thought that was strange that her heat temperature was decreasing, so she went to go check on her but when she did she saw Mona was there laying by her feet

"Mona?!?....what are you doing?" Mona had looked up at zari "well lily heart rate and temperature had decreased a little so I figured that I could try to warm her up a little" zari looked at Mona again "aww thanks Mona but there is another way to warm her up" at first Mona didn't understand what she meant "Gideon please turn on the heater in the nursery" after that zari went to go get a heated blanket for lily.... "lily heart rate has increased to 40 percent" Gideon said, "all we have to do is protect her and wait for the others to heal her

Back in hell:
John and the others were faced to face with lucifuge...nate,Sarah, mick, and John were all tied up like literally tied up in a chair. "Anyone got a plan on how to escape" Sarah was getting mad about the entire situation "Hahahaha, listen here Johnny boy!! You should of thought twice about coming in here and facing me" when lucifuge said this to John. He got mad but he thought about lily and how her life was almost up "goodbye my angel!" John felt like all of this was his fault he felt like a horrible father to lily and the a horrible member of the team

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