Goodbye legends....hello Mom

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I'm updating this one last time if y'all saw the last episode of legends of tomorrow we saw John come back to life and leave the legends so I decided that if John left the legends then so should his daughter but if you haven't seen that episode then go back to watch it!
After finding the fountain of imperium and witnessing her father die in front of her! Astra, Zari, and Lily started to walk back to the ship. Astra looked over at Lily "L-Lily I'm—I'm sorry about John and everything that happened" Lily was silent for awhile she heard astra but didn't say anything, Zari had also wanted to say something but she was to heartbroken. After getting close to the ship Lily stopped for a second she looked up at the ship and looked down at her hand "Astra?" As she clenched her hand into a fist she looked at astra "if you knew your magic was fading? Would you go above and beyond just to get it back?" Lily didn't know what to do at this point! She wanted to run back to the fountain but on the other side she also wanted to go back home " have to understand I never knew how to do magic especially down in hell! But In this case *sighs* No I wouldn't go above and beyond just for some petty magic" astra gave Lily a hug.

That's when she began to cry "I'm so sorry" astra felt really bad for her

The wave rider:
As the 3 girls return to the ship they had saw everyone was In a panic! Sarah walked up to them while Zari walked to her room "where's John?" Sarah was concerned "he's gone! The fountain deemed him unworthy and took him" Astra was upset. But not as upset as Lily was, Sarah looked over at Lily "I'm so sorry soon as this is over and done with we will have time to mourn over his loss" Sarah tried to hug her but Lily stepped back. Lily had walked to her room.

Lily room (Johns room as well):
As soon as the door closed behind her She started making a mess! She threw everything on the ground, she knocked things over, she even broke stuff, after awhile she feel to the ground and put her face into her knees (I don't know what's it called but you bury your face into your knees)  "Please!—please don't leave me again!" She was depressed she didn't know what to do at this point.

The bridge (on the ship,hopefully you know what I mean):
As the rest of the team was preparing for the fight of their lives behrad had walked up to Sarah "Johns alive!" He said with a happy tone "w-what do you mean Johns alive? How?" Sarah was confused she didn't understand "look I know it sounds crazy but Johns alive but I can prove it! He's inside the mushroom" B was happy at first but was a little annoyed "B, I don't have time for this we need to prepare for whatever bishop has planned for next!" Behrad had stepped in front of Sarah "I'm being serious! If you could just trust me" Sarah was annoyed but she took the mushroom anyway. As the rest of the team left Sarah put the mushroom in front of her

Before Sarah had left John turned to Sarah "wait one last favor!" Sarah quickly turned around "what"

Captain quarters:
Sarah came rushing to the team she knew the answer to the problem "YOU GUYS LISTEN I TALKED TO JOHN IN THE MUSHROOM" the team and Zari were all annoyed "trust me just trust me, John said the answer to our problem is......Hope" just like that the team was mad "It sounded better in my head" Sarah was stressed she didn't know what else to do. That's when she thought about Lily

Johns room:
Lily was depressed she was still buried in her knees! The room was a mess!! there was books strewn over the floor, papers everywhere, broken furniture everywhere, etc. Sarah walked up to the door and knocked—Lily didn't want to open the door she didn't even want to talk to anyone. "Lily i-it's me—Sarah" as Lily heard Sarah voice she felt something inside her boil with rage. "Look I'm sorry about John but he wanted me to give you a message" as Lily stood up she walked towards the door and slowly opened it "what did he say?" Sarah whispered the message into Lily ear. Lily eyes had widened "r-right thank you Sarah"

Sarah took a small glance into the room "are you ok? Do you want to talk about it?" She said in a worried tone of voice "n—Actually yes I would! You were a friend of Johns? Was that before or after you found out he had a daughter?" Sarah felt bad "after" she had no words after that! She didn't know what else to say "that's all I needed to know thank you" after that Sarah left

Johns manor:
Lily had left the ship to go find the box that John was talking about. She saw a glimmer of light In the corner of her eye that's when she walked over to the light and opened the drawer she was shocked to see something so beautiful. it was a silver round music box that had a flower print on it with the initials LC "how do I open it!" Lily looked down at her necklace "figures" she took it off and opened it the box started to play a lullaby along with a memory. Along inside the box were pictures and a bracelet. Lily started to tear up....she was feeling mixed emotions! Lily wasn't sure if she should be angry or upset. "Why!" She said to herself

The wave rider:
The team quickly knew how to defeat bishop but before the team left Lily returned to the ship but she was better than Ever! Her hair was up in a ponytail, she was dressed in a white blouse with a red tie she was even wearing Johns trench coat with black pants and combat boots. The entire team looked at her "it's good to see you Lily" Nate was even more impressed "it's good to see the rest of you" Lily said as she smiled towards astra "So....Captain—what's the plan" Lily said, Sarah smiled at Lily and the rest of the team with confidence

To be continued.....
Word count: 1,105

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