Chapter 4

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15 minutes later
Aboard the Ghost

"We're coming out of hyperspace." Hera's voice sounded across the intercom.

In a couple minutes everyone was in the cockpit, and Hera pulled back the lever that dropped them back into real space. Outside they saw the same ship that Ezra boarded down on the surface of Garel.

"Ghost, this is Spectre 6, requesting permission to dock." Ezra's voice came over the com.

"Permission granted Spectre 6." Hera replied immediately. "It's good to hear you alive, spectre 6."

"Likewise, Spectre 2" Ezra's voice came back. "I'm bringing aboard a friend."

"Acknowledged, Spectre 6." Hera replied, a bit perplexed by the use of the term 'friend'. "Ghost out."

"Raven's Claw out" Ezra replied.

In a couple of minutes the crew heard the docking seal click shut, and headed towards the docking port to greet Ezra and his mysterious Mandalorian 'friend'.

Meantime aboard the "Raven's Claw"

"Xen, no matter what I do or say, keep your mouth shut." Ezra lectured on the way to the docking port.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it" Xen was annoyed that his brother was ordering him around, but he still decided that he was gonna play it safe and not say anything. He would much rather obey his brother's orders, that get a blaster bolt trough the head. And he knew that his brother was very much capable of cold heartedly murdering his own baby brother if he got too much in Ezra's way.

Once the docking port hissed open, Hera lunged at Ezra and folded him in a warm hug.

"Ezra, don't ever scare us like that ever again!" She reprimanded. "We were so worried!"

"Hera, I'm fine, and I'm here." Ezra replied with a couple warm notes making their way into his voice.

"Kid, what in the name of the Force is going on here?" Kanan asked worried. "Who's your mysterious friend?"

"This is Xen Bridger, my brother." He replied, and then turned with a half mocking bow to Sabine. "As you have probably already gathered m'lady."

"Ezra, you need to explain what's going on here." Sabine said bluntly.

"That's exactly why I'm here." Ezra's expression became serious in moments. "Let's go into the common room. These kinds of explanations are better given sitting down."

Everyone nodded and headed to the common room. Once everyone was seated Ezra started talking.

"My name is Ezra Bridger, I didn't lie there, but I'm not from Lothal. As you have probably already figured out, I'm Mandalorian, but my father was born on Lothal. My parents did die at the hands of the empire eight years ago, and I have been alone ever since, but that transmitter in the house belonged only to my father, before he married my mother and moved to Krownest. I'm actually quite surprised that you didn't recognize my name Sabine. But that's probably because you were out of the loop for quite some time."

"But why did you hide this from us in the first place?" Hera asked confused.

"Boy you guys really have no idea, do you?" Ezra asked with a sad smile.

Everyone only made confused faces at this question.

"So the name really doesn't really ring any bells?" Ezra kept pushing. "Not even with you Sabine?"

She shook her head.

"Let me jog your memory then." Ezra said. "Two months after you escaped. The botched Oon job."

"No!" Sabine gasped. "You?! How?!" Her face showed fear and confusion as she involuntarily flinched avatar from him.

"As I though." Sighed Ezra. "Well then we shall not bother you any longer. Farewell." He turned to Xen. "K'olar, Xen. (Come here, Xen.)"

Ezra turned around and strutted of with a pretty distinct military gait. Xen followed him with a downcast look.

"Wait, Ezra!" Hera called after him.

He stoped and glanced over his shoulder.

"Yes, Hera?" His tone was cold and distant.

"What happened on Oon?" Hera was looking at both Ezra and Sabine now.

"He's a bounty hunter!" Sabine spat the last word.

"You were a bounty hunter, Sabine." Hera argued. "That's not why you got so scared of him."

Ezra now turned around to face the argument.

"Yes, but he's THE bounty hunter." Sabine's face showed only fear. "Ezra Bridger, also known as 'The Blood Vornskr'"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2020 ⏰

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