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Hey Guys! I literally have NO clue what I'm doing... but here u go!!!😜✨


Sofia's POV:

"SO UR STILL THINKING OF ME, JUST LIKE I KNOW YOU SHOULD! I CANNOT GIVE YOU EVERYTHING YOU KNOW I WISH I COULDDDDD!!!... bla bla bla bla bla bla bla mhmhmh dum di dum da da di duhuhum di do do di da da... YOUNG DUMB, YOUNG YOUNG DUMB AND BROKE... YADADADAIDADA YOUNG DUMB BROKE HIGHSCHOOL KIIIIDSS!!!" I sung - more like yelled - my heart out in the shower. I LOVE Khalid with a passion. Well... him and Billie Eilish. Post Malone's pretty good too. OH I also like Lauv and Ruel.... ANYWAY! Where was I? Oh right the shower....

Today's Monday, but guess what!?! Bear River High has FALL BREAK! And you know what's even better!?! I'm going out with my boyfriend tonight! Max and I have gone on a heck ton of group dates with his friends and my friends, but recently we've just been going out 1 on 1. On our last date we had our first kiss. It was technically 2 kisses, but the first was so bad that we vowed to forget it, and we redid our first kiss. it was VERY cringy, but it was also SO sweet!

I have no clue what we're gonna do tonight, but Max said to wear something pretty. So I decide to wear a light pink dress and with my hair in a messy bun with silver hoop earrings and silver flats.

 So I decide to wear a light pink dress and with my hair in a messy bun with silver hoop earrings and silver flats

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I finished up my makeup and put on a bit of vanilla body spray. I heard the doorbell ring. I look at my phone to check the time (it's 7:10 pm.) I snicker. Of course Max, always fashionably late. I open the door to see the boy I've liked since I was 6. He looks up from his iPhone. The hand that was in his pocket moves up to his hair as he runs his hand through it.

"Hey. Ready Babe?"He said with a wink

"Yup, let's go!"

I grab his hand and we walk down the front stairs to his (technically his parents) honda civic. Since Max is literally OBSESSED with Billie Eilish, we blast her songs throughout the drive.

"So where are we goin'?"I ask looking at Max. His black hair messed up, just enough to look like there's a order in all the madness. His tight collared shirt shows off his muscles.

He grins devilishly, "you'll see when we get there."

I roll my eyes. Of course he won't tell me. I love surprises, but I hate waiting for them!!! There are always so many possibilities. Are we going to Apple Bee's? Sizzlers? oh wait! Pf Chang's?! Or maybe the movies first. Or we could be going ice skating?! ... 10 minutes later... OR we're gonna eat bird food at the zoo, whILE We WAtch ThE LiOnS eAT Th-whoa! Sofi!!! calm down there! See?! this is what waiting for surprises does to me!!!  

We pull up at a small building. I unbuckle my seat belt and get out of the car. We walk into the tiny restraunt. OMG!!! he remembered that this is my favorite place! It's "Il Pizziolo" (say it with an Italian accent! - it's fun)YAAAAYY!!! this place is my LIFE! Here you can get pizza that tastes EXACTLY as good as pizza in Italy. I've been to Italy once when I was 13, and it was the BEST PLACE IN THE UNIVERSE!!! The food was my favorite part.

We sit down at a table waiting for the waitress. Placing one hand on the table and one under by chin I say, "So, are you excited for the youth activity tomorrow night?" (our church does youth activities every Tuesday night)

"Ya. I love broom hockey." though those words should make it sound like he's excited. He didn't look excited, and his voice sounded bored. But I brushed it off. He'll probably be all amped up about it tomorrow.

I wiggle my fingers hoping he'll put his hand in mine. But he just pulls out his phone. Ookaaayy... that's weird, he's normally very polite about paying attention to me when we're on a date. A waitress walks up to us, paper and pen in hand ready to take our order. She has a HECK TON of makeup on, and she obviously has extentions in her bleached hair.

"What can I get for you guys today?" Her annoyingly high pitched voice squeaks out.

Max looks up from his phone. His eyes widen and his cheeks turn bright pink. I know right?! She has so much makeup on!!!

"Oh! hey Max." She says in a now sultry voice. She folds her arms pushing up her breast and making it appear bigger than it already is. "What are you doing with a slut like this?" She asks gesturing to me.

Obviously offended I say, "We're on a date. and I'm his girlfriend."

"What are you talking about?! I'm Max's girlfriend!" She narrows her eyes at me. Then looks at the boy blushing at the other side of the table. "So you've now stooped so low to cheat on me?! or did you not like the pics I sent you? I thought you said I was gorgeous! Max, we've been a thing for two weeks now!!!"

"Two weeks?! Max and I have been dating for three months now!" Now It's my turn to look at him. Ugh! I should've known. We haven't gone out for a few weeks. And we don't go to the same school so how can I know what he's up to all week? I just thought I could trust him. Why would he cheat on me?! I thought he was a good guy. "DUDE! What the HECK!!! you know what, I've gotta go."

I stood up and marched out. I heard Max's deep voice call after me. I walk to his car - wait his car... ugh! HIS car. I turn around when I hear footsteps behind me.

"Wait, Sofi... wait." He says weakly he  stops a few feet in front of me and runs his hands through his soft hair. "I'm so sorry. I'll break up with Ava, just-"

I interrupt, "Max NOTHING you do now can make me get back together with you. I might forgive you, but there's no way in heck I'm gonna date you again."

"Wait, you're breaking up with me?!"

I yell,"No DUH! What do you expect? what do you want me to say? 'Oh babe, it's ok. I forgive you, I'll just go back to being in the FREAKING dark not knowing what the HECK my boyfriend's doing at school all week! Here do you want a hug?' NO that's not gonna happen!"

Helplessly, patheticly Max looks at his feet knowing he's a lost cause, "Sof, just... please give me a second chance!"

I scoff, "I still can't believe this is happening!" I look up to the sky, put my hands up in the air, and yell, "GOD! PLEASE TELL ME THAT I DIN'T WAIST MORE THAN HALF MY FREAKING LIFE CRUSHING ON A BOY BOUND TO BREAK MY HEART!"

I put my hands down and stared at Max. He looked like someone dropped an anvil on his car, then gave him a thousand dollars and a Tesla, and then kneed him in the balls and slapped him on the face. Basically, his facial expression was priceless! You know why? He didn't know that he's been at the top of the list for my whole career of crushing on guys. Oooof!!! I just dropped the BOMB!

"Y-you've liked me for... 8 years?" He asked.

"YES!!! how are you so oblivious?! And I wish I could go back in time and tell myself what a FUHREAKING douchebag you are!!!" Gosh it's so hard not to scream out all the cuss words I know right now! "We are officially O-V-E-R!... now are you gonna drive me home? or do I have to call my dad and tell him to come pick me up?" My dad is 6'2'' and (according to my favorite cousin James) he looks like an Italian model. He's also been the bishop of our ward for about 7 years. 

Quinn's face turned paper white and he mumbled, "I'll take you home.


How'd you like it? look, I know Sofia's thoughts are like totally crazy, but I feel like she's pretty relatable. But then again... I'm the one writing this soooo...😋

Anyway... keep reading for moooorrree!!!

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