Thank you!

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Thank you Holly Black for creating this incredible, cruel and beautiful world. For creating a cast of characters I fell absolutely in love with from the first pages. For breathing life into Cardan. And Jude. These characters will forever hold precedence in my heart. The Folk of the Air series has changed me. I will never be the same person again. And I hope that it is okay with you that I borrowed your characters, your story, but I just needed more. I didn't want this world you created to end. I wasn't ready to say goodbye. I never will be.

Huge thanks to my beta readers, who I found on GoodReads through our mutual obsession in this amazing fandom! Especially, Diamond who became my first ever critique partner, who let me send my odd ramblings and ideas in weird emails, and for bouncing ideas back and forth with me when I got stuck or went down a weird path (the rabbit hole of faerie fertility hahaha). I'd never been critiqued before and at first I almost cried (not really but...really) and then I decided to be a big girl about it and can now handle some light constructive criticisms. You have prepared me for the big dogs one day--Oh my fragile heart!

I have to give a shout out to for naming my OC characters! My sweet, smol Fey twin boys, Auron and Virion came to life because of this creative and very thorough website. I will definitely always look here in the future for amazingly fantastical fantasy names!

And many thanks to GwynhwyfarAbbot, you were my biggest fan and encourager from the first day of publishing to Wattpad. It was your comments and enthusiasm alone that motivated me most!!

And thank you to everyone else on Wattpad and for reading, for your comments and your votes!! Keep commenting and keep voting! It's the best thing you can do for a writer!!

-Mara XOXO (Maybe I will be back after Queen of Nothing. But I hope I am content with how Holly Black ends the Folk of the Air.) 

The Exiled Queenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें