3. Walking through the Daydream

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The mystery woman who had saved them was named Zezilia. From what Miguel could understand from the first few impressions he had of her was that she was the least adulating adult he had ever met. Karen's earlier comment about her being irresponsible was extremely fitting. In the barely five minutes since they had arrived on her ship she had seated herself at the ship's controls and informed them that the big red button in the middle of the controls were off limits. No explanation as to why or what it did. Then she took a gaming console in her hands and demanded silence, apparently she had to defeat a boss and needed to concentrate. Karen had complained but Zezilia's response had been to just shove them off to another room.

Carlos was exited at the prospect of exploring the legendary ship and rushed ahead through the room to see all the technical details that made the ship unique, while Karen stood in a corner with her hands in her pockets and quietly grumbled something Miguel was happy he couldn't hear. Miguel himself was mostly taken back from the room's décor. Judging by Zezilia's personality he had assumed that she would leave trash all over, but the room was clean enough that you could lick ice-cream off the floor. Not that he wanted to try it. The room was also pretty empty. There was a desk with several computers on it and a chair next to it. There were also some maps of Daydream on the walls, but other than that it was empty. The maps looked to be made of real authentic wood-made paper. That was some old and really expensive stuff. He wondered how many taco nights it was worth. His thoughts were interrupted when one of the doors to the room opened.

"Oh, no." The robotic voice said. "The pests have invaded the ship. Proposed action: expulsion through garbage door." Miguel turned towards it and screamed, before him in the doorway stood a nightmare of a robot. It looked like a mishmash of different robot and mechanical parts screwed together wrongly. Its movements were restricted by its own metallic limbs resulting in a wonky walk. As soon as Carlos and Karen also saw the grotesque robot they jumped backwards and screamed too.

"What is that?" Screamed Karen and retreated behind Miguel, dragging Carlos with her.

"You organic beings are always rude." The robot spoke and entered the room with a vacuum cleaner.

"You just said that you wanted to throw us out with the garbage!" Carlos said and pointed at it. "Who are you anyway?"

"I am Ernest, the second most intelligent being on this ship." It began vacuuming the floor.

"Okaay." Miguel answered and felt the twins behind him push him forward. "Why are you here?"

"Because my creator refuses to deal with the consequences of her actions. She needs a voice of reason in her life since she lacks one of her own, sadly the cat does not talk."

"That's nice..." Miguel wasn't sure what Ernest the robot was talking about. All he knew was that he didn't want to talk with it anymore and began to inch towards the room's other door. Carlos and Karen followed behind him. "Well, nice talking to you, but we're going to leave now, so, bye!" They rushed out of the room.

"Yes, leave this ship like the infections species you are." Ernest said as they slammed the door behind them.

"Shoot! Now I died because of you!" Zezilia shouted after they had returned to the control room. "Didn't I tell you that I had to concentrate and that you had to be quiet?" She sighed. "Now I've lost to this boss forty-seven times. Do you kids know how frustrating it is? It's as if the game was specifically made to mock me."

"Well, sorry, but you have a nightmare in the other room." Miguel said.

"Yeah, some kind of robot monster." Carlos added and took a step away from Miguel's back.

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