“I’ll let you off this time, because you’re so excited.” Briony eyed me heavily as I jumped spritely past her on to the pavement and yanked open the door to the stairs. I laughed airily and pressed the lock button on my key, making the car bleep behind me. I had bought a 3rd hand Volkswagen Polo in light blue for £3,750 with a fair mileage. I had enrolled Charlie to help me vacuum, clean and service it. I’d got an early commission for a song, which gave me the last £500. I’d pretty much been handed the check before catching the tube straight to the car dealership.

Once inside the building, the bright light and buzz of activity startled me at 2am.

“What terminal is it?” Even wearing my heeled ankle boots I couldn’t see.

“I’ll hazard a guess at that one.” I followed where Briony was pointing and saw in the distance a crowd of maybe 20 or 30 people, complete with banners surrounding the door to terminal 2. “Crazy fan girls.” She muttered but I was already speeding towards the crowd. Considering the time, they were all very excitable, even more so than me. I lingered behind them wondering when the boys were due to arrive.

“Evanna!” I turned to see a pretty blonde girl, struggling the crowd to greed me. Some fans were tugging on the ends of her hair and the arm of her leather jacket which she politely ripped away from them. “There you are!” She arrived by my side, obviously exhausted.

“Hey there Kelsey.” I smiled hugging her. “When are they due?”

“I think a while still. Air traffic’s pretty busy and they had to circle for a while.” Kelsey fiddled her hoop earrings, trying to detach them from her thick woollen scarf.

“Well, in that case,” Briony who had been politely letting us talk got my attention “I’m on the verge of collapse. I’m going to relapse.” She gripped my shoulder with a wink “and get coffee. Want anything?” she glanced from me to Kelsey. We shook our heads and she smiled and walked off to Starbucks.

“I FRIGGING LOVE YOU BOYS! GET OUT HERE NOW!” one fan exploded just in front of us. She eyed us accusingly. She was a beefy sort of girl and I felt a bit frightened for the boys when they did arrive.

“If you don’t mind, I think I have to get some shut eye, if I’m going to survive the drive home.” I turned to Kelsey.

“Of course. Off you go. I’ll wake you when it’s time!” She laughed at how serious she sounded.

I smothered a yawn as I shuffled off to a quiet area of the waiting room. I found an empty row of seats which I lay down on, using my scarf as a pillow and letting my hair fall from bun and cover my eyes. A family sat in the row in front of me.

“What’s that group of people, mum?” the little boy asked.

“I don’t know, sweetheart.”

“When is the plane coming to take us to holidays?” he pressed importantly.

“I’m not sure. Hush now, so I can hear the announcement, Nathan.” I grinned at the coincidence, wondering if I was asleep. I snuggled up in my heavy coat and felt myself slip away.


My glasses had fallen from my nose and as I opened my eyes, everything was blurry. The family next to me was gone. Little Nathan must be off on his holidays. The announcement over the speaker finished only to be replaced by a roar from a crowd by the door. In my sleepiness I couldn’t figure out what was going on over there or what on earth was making them scream quite so loudly. Folding my scarf over my face, I tried to fall back asleep.


“Em, Evanna? Ev?” Someone’s warm hand was on my face, pushing my glasses back onto my nose. I pushed the hand away and groaned. “Evanna? Wake up!” It was a male voice. It was coming from right next to my head; they must be crouching down on the ground. I could feel the heat from their breath on my cheek. I could make out a note of amusement in their voice.

The Concept is Simple (Sequel to You're Crazy)Where stories live. Discover now