Pt. 2 This Time of War

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"Oh, George Washington sir." Anne-Marie squeaked out. Of course she had wanted to meet him, but seeing him here now was different. Anne-Marie hasn't met many famous people before, much less ones that have been dead for a couple hundred years. Now here he was, the first president of America. Well he certainly wasn't President yet, there was still a war to be fought and won.

"George or can I call you Georgie?" The Doctor called out trying to step forward but the men held him back. "Would you be so kind as to tell them to let go of me?" George Washington waved his hand and while that didn't seem like a command to Anne-Marie, the soldiers responded immediately and let go off the Doctor. "Ah! Much better, thank you Mr. Washington." The Doctor said graciously fixing the sleeves of his coat.

"Why have you brought yourselves onto this battlefield?" George Washington questioned.

"My dad and I.." Anne-Marie started carefully, gesturing back and forth between the Doctor and herself. "Have gotten a bit lost." George Washington seemed amused.

"Lost? The closest town is nearly twenty miles in every direction. We choose this specific location so no civilians, like yourself would get in the way." Anne-Marie shrugged.

"We've been lost for a while." Anne-Marie replied slowly, not even believing her own lie. George Washington actually started laughing, which made Anne-Marie smile.

"What are your names?" He questioned.

"I'm Anne-Marie and this is the Doctor." Anne-Marie replied stepping towards the Doctor who smiled wide.

"A Doctor of medicine?" George Washington questioned,

"We'll sort of a Doctor for everything." The Doctor replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"Would it be possible for you to help some of my men?" Anne-Marie and the Doctor looked at each other. The Doctor didn't really want to. Of course he wanted to help people and he I'd say he was a doctor but not that kind. Everything but that kind.

"He'd love to." Anne-Marie finally answered for him. Anne-Marie smiled up at the Doctor. She believed in him. She knew he could do this. He could make these people better and he would do it gladly. The Doctor was a bit wary though. He did have a sick bay in the Tardis but he wasn't quite sure if he should bring the soldiers in there. He could help them, sure but he couldn't cure them of everything in the book. If they were going to die from Scarlett fever he had to let them. Not that they had to know that, or Anne-Marie.

As it turns out the Doctor wasn't cut out for this type of doctering as Anne-Marie had expected him to be. She was in fact better at this than the time traveling man from space who had lived for nearly a thousand years. Her, Anne-Marie, a twelve year old girl was better at patching up bones and handling blood than the Doctor.

"I'm not sure if I should have you around these men." The Doctor began before he started looking them over.

"Why not?" Anne-Marie questioned, confused.

"Well, for one, I don't want you getting sick from them and two these men have been in a war. There are some wounds that a young girl like yourself just shouldn't see." Anne-Marie pondered this for a couple of minutes. There was some truth in what he was saying. She had learned about war and how it used to tear apart countries, people, nations. The consequences were always great and the casualties just as bad.

"I think I'll manage Doctor, just... Just keep me away from the men whose injuries aren't fixable and the ones that look gruesome." The Doctor sighed but had had enough experience with Anne-Marie to know that there was no arguing with her to stay in the Tardis and just let him handle this.

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