Pt. 1 This Time of War

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"Doctor, did you really think I didn't know?" Anne-Marie demanded after she woke up. "They look just like us." Anne-Marie rolled her eyes as Connor ran towards her. "Hi baby!" Anne-Marie cooed swinging him up and holding him tight. Connor whined.

"I'm not a baby!" Anne-Marie held him at arms length.

"You certainly are. You are my six year old baby boy." Anne-Marie replied kissing his forehead and setting him back down, wincing a bit.

"Your arms are sore." The Doctor stated. Anne-Marie gave him a pointed look.

"Yes Doctor, I could feel it." The Doctor shrugged smiling. Anne-Marie smiled back. "Anyways, back to the point. If they weren't humans they would've been Timelords which couldn't have been true, unfortunately and I don't know and you don't know of any other race that looks quite like us humans so there was only one possible option. Humans." Anne-Marie rolled her eyes again. The Doctor shrugged.

"I was trying to pick a time and place where there wasn't any danger. I've never heard of the Blood Crisis." The Doctor said scratching the back of his head. Anne-Marie laughed.

"You can't possibly remember the history of every plant Doctor. Your head might explode." The Doctor rolled his eyes.

"It wouldn't explode. I would probably just regenerate." Anne-Marie laughed and shook her head.

"Well, I suppose we aren't needed anymore. What do you say about talking us back to our time stream?" The Doctor smiled lightly and nodded.

"Wait! Let me get my book!" Connor cried out so the trio headed for the door. Connor rushed back behind them and swiped his book and pencils off the lab desk before racing back to his mother and taking her hand. The Doctor became intrigued again.

"Connor can I see that?" He questioned. Connor early offered up huge notebook. Flipping to a random page the Doctor found star charts and charts of different dolor systems. "Connor how did you draw this?" The Doctor questioned. Bending down on one knee and sowing it to him. Connor shrugged.

"You showed me and mommy the stars once. Taught me how to draw them. Don't you remember?" Connor questioned. He looked sort of sad. "I loved that day. It was my first real birthday." The Doctor didn't know how to respond.

"Of course he remembers Connor. He's just curious about your drawings is all." Anne-Marie lied easily. Standing back up the Doctor quickly flipped through a couple more drawings of plants and lady's in bubbles, ladies in water, more maps, and of course lots and lots of words. He was wondering why this little book looked so familiar when it clicked.

"The Voyinch Manuscript!" The Doctor cried out, snapping his fingers.

"What?" Anne-Marie questioned.

"The Voynich Manuscript! This is the Voynich Manuscript! Connor my boy this book will go down in history. Well it won't have your name on it but it is your book. Oh scholars will try to decipher this for years to no avail. It's one of the greatest masterpieces of all time. Of course I've read it because I understand but this. I've watched it get made! This is fascinating!" The Doctor exclaimed running a hand through his hair. Connor was confused though. He reached for his book but Anne-Marie squeezed his hand and he stopped.

"The Voynich Manuscript was made hundreds of years ago. Are you trying to tell me this is it? Right here?" Anne-Marie questioned.

"You said I bought this book? It's an old book. The carbon dating should still..." The Doctor scanned it with his screwdriver. "It's perfect! Perfect era! Brilliant." The Doctor said waving the book around. "I'll just have to drop this off in its time stream after I bring you two home."
"No Doctor!" Connor cried out. "It's my book! I want it. You gave it to me! Remember? It was my birthday!" Anne-Marie picked Connor up because she could tell he was about to cry.
"Of course I won't take it!" The Doctor exclaimed. "We have to make a copy first." Anne-Marie eyed him confused as Connor sniffles in his arms. What the Doctor meant by copy was his copying machine that could perfectly print out 3 dimensional objects, not only that but accurately print out full books, manuscripts, encyclopedias down to every last detail.

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