Cyo vs Crimson

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Cyo vs Crimson

A few days after being at Eggman's laboratory, Cyo has started to try out the weapons that has been installed in his arm. He pressed it once and it turned into a laser cannon.

"Lets see if I target it at that tree" Cyo targets the blaster and it fires, barely missing a dead tree. Cyo backs off in surprise how the blaster was fired.
"So connected to my nerves huh?" He looks at it again. Then he presses the button twice. And the big laser gun turned into a hand again but smaller guns appeared from his wrist. But they didn't fire by Cyo's thoughts.

"If I hold the button I fire?" He guessed. He put his hand on the button and it fires red laser shots, blowing off a branch of the tree. Cyo watched in amazement and then pressed the button three times for next weapon. It turns into a freeze gun and Cyo looks at it for a moment and then holds it out and put his hand on it and freezes the dead tree.

"WHOA!" Cyo gasped. He pressed the button now four times and it turns into a flamethrower.
"Lets see about this one-HOLY COW!" Cyo put his hand on the button and it fires a stream of flames and melts the ice on the dead tree. Cyo pressed the button again to turn it into a hand again.

"Well, that was all the artillery in my arm. I just have to choose not to use them to hurt someone" Cyo said. He sees a huge rock and decides to test his strength. He puts his hands on the side of it and lifts it up above his head.

"Eggman didn't lie, I got enhanced strength too" Cyo said and puts the huge boulder down. Suddenly there was a cry from the village.

"Oh no!" Cyo ran back to the village to see what's going on.

At the village, a few lion warriors was thrown at their houses by someone. It was a tall red echidna with two scars over his left eye and metallic claws on his knuckles.

"Surrender and bow before the mighty Crimson!" The echidna yelled his name.
"Absolutely not! You are not welcome to my village and you won't turn it into yours!" Gitonga, the village's leader said. He held up his spear firmly and steady.

"Hehehehe. Alright old man! Show me what you got!" Crimson sneered. Gitonga rushes towards Crimson and tries to slash at the echidna with his spear but missed as the echidna dodged it. The lion leader swung the spear forward and Crimson blocks it with his claws.

"Ohhhhh That's all you got? Don't make me laugh" Crimson taunts Gitonga. Giving out a battle cry Gitonga pulled the spear and attacks Crimson again and it became a struggle as they clashed spear against metallic claws. But soon the echidna breaks the spear and in a swift move he shoved the claws into the lion's gut.

"AAAAGH!" Gitonga gasps for air, the claws has impaled him and blood ran down them. The villagers reacted in shock and horror at that their leader has been defeated.

"Pathetic! You are a waste of time!" Crimson threw the lion leader at the feet of the villagers. Umeme got up to him and held him up.
"Gitonga! No!" Umeme whispered in shock. Gitona looked up and tried to get strength to move.
"I'm sorry Umeme...I failed the village and our...people" Gitonga spoke his last words. His hand fell down limply to the ground.

When Cyo arrived, he saw his dead body and his killer Crimson. Clenching his fists in anger, Cyo glares at the echidna.

"Who's next to challenge me?!" Crimson shouted.
"I am!" Cyo steps out. Crimson chuckled evilly.
"So what are you capable of boy?" Crimson asked Cyo.

"THIS!" Cyo leaps up and kicks at Crimson, making him slight back off. But the echidna grabs his ankle and threw him at the waterhole making him crash. Cyo got back on his feet and cracks his knuckles. He ran towards Crimson and punches at him four times until Crimson punched at him, but it didn't harm Cyo's armor.

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