Elephant chase

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Elephant chase
The now eleven year old Cyo was running through the high grass in the savannah and gets to the lake where a non-mobian elephant male was drinking water from the lake with it's trunk.

"Might take a closer look" Cyo walks over to the other side of the lake to get to the elephant bull. But as soon he got close, the elephant just growls lowly at him. Cyo noted that this bull elephant must be undergoing musth and he began running off when the elephant male charges at him trumpeting angrily.
"HELP!" Cyo screamed. The elephant's foot steps gets more tense and thundering as it ran.

From the village, Umeme saw Cyo being chased by the bull elephant.
"Cyo! Hang on!" Umeme screamed and runs to where Cyo is chased.

Cyo saw the elephant running right behind him, rage filled in his eyes. Cyo didn't see where he went when he tripped over a tree root near a large tree where he fell onto the ground seeing the elephant getting real close.

As Cyo thought he was done for it when the elephant was coming right at him, Umeme appeared in front of him holding a spear in a protective manner. The elephant have been encountered others wielding spears and knows they hurt, so it backs off.

"GET AWAY FROM MY SON!" Umeme yelled at the elephant. Not wanting to get hurt, the elephant growls in defeat and walks away, not wanting to risk getting a spear into the heart. Umeme watched the large animal walk away and turns to his son. He helps Cyo up and hugs him tightly.

"You're okay?" Umeme asked him.
"I'm fine dad, thanks for saving me" Cyo said with tearful eyes.
"Son, please don't get near elephants as long they go crazy. It's too dangerous!" Umeme said sternly. Cyo lowered his ears in shame and looks down in sadness.

"I'm sorry dad. It won't happen again I promise" Cyo said gloomy.

Umeme saw Cyo looking sad and he hugged his son one more time.
"Good. I hope you learned something. Cyo, as a father I need to make sure you don't get killed in these kinds of situations. You're my only child and I don't wanna lose you" Umeme said to his son. Cyo looks up on his father.
"Really?" Cyo asked.
"Yes. You are the most important thing your mother and I ever got. But I am proud of you anyway for understanding. So now lets go home and have some roasted buffalo" Umeme said, a soft smile appearing on his face.
"Alright! I'm starving!" Cyo's mood changed from sad to excited at hearing about food. They both walked back to the village.

After having lunch, Cyo went out in the savannah field to explore some. But this time he ain't gonna get close to a elephant on musth again.

"Oh man. I really shouldn't have done that" Cyo sighs. He keep walking until he saw something approaching and as he squints his eyes to get a better look he was it was a tourist van filled with tourists for a sightseeing tour.

"Awright Uncle, Look over there!" said a skyblue hedgehog girl with a scottish accent. She looked around Cyo's age.
"Huh? Hey that's a Maasai lion" The hedgehog girl's uncle saw Cyo. The van stopped and Cyo watched as some of the tourists took their cameras out.

"Say cheese!" a tourist took a picture of Cyo. the skyblue hedgehog took a picture of Cyo as well but didn't get a good look at his face when Cyo got clearly nervous and leaves.

"Aww man!" She exclaims in sadness. Her uncle pats her shoulder.
"Don't worry Bonnie. Maybe one day you meet him again" he said.
"I hope so" she sighs.

The tourist van then departs for next destination while Cyo was hiding in a tree.
"Oh man. I hate it when they use flashes" Cyo said.

Back home, Cyo went to the waterhole in the village and scoops up some water using a bowl and drinks from it. Then he looked around seeing younger lions playing with each other and the adults doing their things like selling and hanging up clothing. Then Cyo went to the TV house, the only place in the village with television. The village got it from the outsiders as a gift to allow them to see news from the outside world. Right now they saw the latest news about Sonic the blue hedgehog saving the day once again from Dr. Eggman.

"Dude, That blue hedgehog kick this guy's bum!" Noire was heard cheering.
"Yeah, He sure can dominate him with the help of his fox buddy and that knuckle head" Zaire said.
"Hehehehehehe!" Noire chuckled. Cyo walked up to his cousin and best friend.

"So Sonic saves the day again huh?" Cyo asked.
"Yes. I wanna be just like him" Noire said.
"What? Super speed? I don't think so. You got harness of shadows and invisibility" Cyo said.
"No no, Having the heroic courage" Noire said.
"Oh. I self would put fear into baddies by giving them my loudest roar one day" Cyo said.

"Lame" Zaire shook his head.
"What? Soon enough I'll be able to roar like dad and be a fighter like my mom" Cyo said.
"Whatever. You cannot bring yourself to kill preys" Zaire said.
"Because I am a scavenger!" Cyo snapped.

They both unsheathed their claws at the same time ready to fight.
"BOYS!" Noire appeared between them.
"Aw come on!" Both groaned.
"Fighting each other is not the solution! And you Cousin Cyo and Zaire, shame on you two!" She told them off.
"Sorry man" Zaire apologized to Cyo.
"We're good" Cyo aceepts his apology. Then the three leaves the TV house.

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