Cyo's roaring test

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Cyo's roaring test
Cyo was now 13 year old and was preparing to roar loud for the first time with his father.

"Okay son. To roar loud you gotta take a deep breath and let your hyoid bone do the job in your vocals cords" Umeme said. Cyo nods and then steps up on a rock with his father.
"Like this" Umeme started to demonstrate and takes a deep breath before unleashing his loud roar.

"ROAAAAAAARRR!" Umeme roared. The birds on the trees flies away from the roar. Eventually Umeme stopped roaring and clears his throat.

"Now you try" He told Cyo.
"Okay. Raaaaaaaaah!" Cyo's roar just came out very quietly.
"Try again. Louder and all you got. Like when you're angry" Umeme said. Cyo nods and takes a deep breath and thought of something that makes him angry. He then opened his mouth with a loud roar closing his eyes.

"ROAAAAAAAAAAAAR!" The force and strength behind it, unfathomable. The explosive roar shattered the silence, shaking the ground and seizing the air in a guttural barrage. He opened his eyes. The zebras and gazelles were long gone.

"Well done my son. You did well on the roar" Umeme said proudly to his son, patting his shoulder.
"I did? Thanks dad" Cyo hugged his father. Then Ayah came, having heard her son roaring for the first time.

"Impressive Cyo. I'm proud of you" Ayah said to her son.
"Thanks mom" Cyo pulled from his father to hug his mother now. Ayah returned the hug and smiled.
"You're welcome" Ayah said.

"I just can't wait and see how others will react when I roar that loud again" Cyo grins.

Later on, Cyo went to test out his roar again at tree filled with birds. He took a deep breath and then...

"ROOOOOOARRRR!" Cyo roared so loud the birds flew out of the tree and with such force some of the leaves fell off. After roaring, Cyo exhales and stands proudly at the sight. Then he runs through the high grass in the savannah and then ran up a cliff seeing a gorge with a river down there.

"Whoops" Cyo's eyes widens at the sight of it. He backs off from the gorge seemingly going away from it. But then a determined look came on Cyo's face. He runs right at the gorge and leaps over it to land on the other side.

"Oh yeah!" Cyo smirks. He continued his walk until he heard a cry from a rhinoceros and evil laughter from some men.
"Someone's in trouble!" Cyo ran to see who's behind the cause. When he came into some bushes, he peeked and saw three men tying down a rhinoceros male to saw off the horn. It was clear they were poachers

"This horn will be worth thousands of dollars" Said the leader poacher.
"Or millions at least" Said another poacher. They took out a chainsaw preparing to saw off the horn when Cyo appeared out of the bushes.

"HEY! Don't touch that poor creature or I'll throw you all from the savannah!" Cyo shouted.
"Says you, We're three against one! Three guns against teeth and claws" Said the leader poacher.
"And what are you gonna do Kitten Boy? Cry out for Mommy and Daddy?" The third poacher taunts Cyo, but that turned out to be a big mistake.

"NOBODY CALLS ME KITTEN! RAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Cyo roared in anger and rushed at the poachers and grabs the rifle from one of them and breaks it in two and smashed the pipe against the leg of the leader poacher, breaking it.

"AGH MY FREAKING LEG!" The poacher leader screamed in pain. Cyo growls and then punched another poacher in the face and hurls him over his head five times. The fifth impact was so hard the poacher lost some of his teeth.

The third poacher took out his knife to try stab Cyo with it but the young lion grabs his wrist and twisted it hard to make him drop the knife. Cyo then used the knife to free the rhino from the ropes and it happily runs away.

"You're welcome" Cyo smiled. Then he decided to scare the poachers to roar at them.
"ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!" The roar caused the poachers to whine and scream in fright.

Then some park rangers came in and arrested the poachers.
"Thank you so much young man" Said the first park ranger.
"No worries. They were after the horns of an rhino" Cyo said.
"Really. For the hunting of the rhinos has decreased in this area thanks to your tribe" Said the second ranger.
"Yes. Now if you excuse me I got to go back home" Cyo said and leaves. The park rangers leaves with the poachers to send them to jail.

Back at home, Cyo told his parents about what he just did recently.

"You took down three poachers without breaking a sweat?!" Ayah was shocked.
"Uh yeah I did" Cyo said nervously.
"Son...You did well but you shouldn't risk your life when you fight armed men. You could have been killed" Ayah said.
"And just let the rhino get it's horns cut off and get killed?!" Cyo asked.

"No I...Agh, Umeme talk to your son" Ayah was at lost of words. Umeme nods to his wife and brought Cyo outside.

"Cyo, What you did out there was brave but too risky. You're no mood to face off such dangers with guns and rifles that can even kill a mobians" Umeme said sternly to his son.
"But Sonic goes out for such things as fighting robots and laser cannons a...a..and something like that with his buddies all the time! He's brave and fearless of facing Eggman" Cyo said.

"That's entirely different. Sonic has super speed and you do not. He's even faster than a cheetah and his spinning can cut through metal and rocks. Cyo, being fearless and brave does not mean to risk your own life when it comes to battling evil or bigger threats" Umeme said.

"I know. I just couldn't let that rhino die" Cyo sighs in sadness. But then he felt his father hug him. A warm smile appeared on the older lion
"Son, there is one thing I want to say to you. I'm proud that you saved an endangered creature and that you made it back alive. And I will give you more training so you are prepared for more. Your mother will train you in spear combat" Umeme said. Cyo hugged his father back.

"Okay. And by the way. I'm so sorry" Cyo said.
"All is forgiven. Now lets go back inside and talk with mother" Umeme said. Cyo nods and heads back inside with his father to talk with his mother about training.

AN: Well, It looks like Cyo took inspiration being a hero after watching Sonic's fights with Eggman.

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