nights ii

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"You were so sure I wasn't dead, though, right?"

It's morning now and you're curious about this, wondering how in the hell you could have possibly  slept for a 'few days' without being considered comatose. You want to punch N'Jadaka as you watch him from the living room couch, squinting evilly at him while he pours your decaf. God, do you want real caffeine, but the doctor is at least suggesting you pump for a while so you've been trying to be good.

Kaya is fully awake in your arms, and she's been watching your necklace dangle silently for the past few minutes. You have no plans to go anywhere, but you felt like putting on jewelry all the same. 

"Hello?" you say, loud, as he seems to have not heard you. 

"When somebody say you slept for days you ain't really sleep for days. Why I gotta explain everything to you?"

"Shut up!"

He explains that technically you woke up multiple times, only to pee and get right back into bed, pulling the covers over you and groaning in pain each time. Sometimes you'd take a bite of something he brought you but other than that you were out, body desperately trying to catch up to the absolutely supernatural labor you went through. Then he adds that you're stupid if you think he didn't come in and check your pulse after the tenth hour, and to that you have to wonder if that means he truly has a heart beating somewhere in that jacked chest of his. When you mention this, Kaya sneezes, shooting snot all the way down to her chin.

As you reach for a cloth you squint over at her father yet again. "It wasn't too cold in here was it?"


"Hm," you go, wiping off her nose. "Well, she's a baby so she could get colder-"

"____," he cuts you off. "I made sure she wasn't too cold. Drink this and hush up."

You start to say something about him not telling you to 'hush' like he somebody's father but you have to stop because you suppose that he is now. 

There's a knock on the door suddenly and you tense, more so out of paranoia than anything else. You think that it's going to take a lot of time for you to feel safe in the apartment again, but the lease is going to be up soon and the cycle of getting used to living somewhere new starts again. Living with N'Jadaka is exhausting, you think, and as you watch him look through the peephole you wait with butterflies in your stomach. 

It's only your friends, and they sidestep quick around N'Jadaka as if he can't tell them to get out if they do. He used to stare at their butts to piss you off whenever they'd appear, but now he only huffs in annoyance and barks at them to wash their hands. Sydney scoffs.

"I'm not my mother," she said. "I don't touch people's babies until they can lift their heads up by themselves."

You chuckle to yourself, shifting Kaya to your other arm as you take a sip of overly sweet coffee. "I think this one is gonna be able to do that a little early she's nosy as hell."

And right on cue, her big eyes are trying to see what Kayla is doing as she sits down on the couch beside you.She looks like she's been out all morning, makeup done and hair pulled up into a slick bun. It hasn't been that long since you've been home but the longer you study the outfits of your friends the more you long to go out as well. 

Spending so long being pregnant and in pain did fuck all for your self-esteem, and while you know for a fact you look good it's hard for you to feel it these days. It would help if you weren't physically so irritable. Your pelvis doesn't hurt as much but sitting for too long still has you uncomfortable. Baths usually burn but the doctor says you need them more than showers right now.

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