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"You do understand we would all be dead if not for her?" I say to my sisters, as Sansa nods. "We'd all be dead and marching to King's Landing."

"Arya's the one who killed the Night King." Sansa says, as I shake my head. 

"Aye, but her men gave their lives to defend Winterfell." I add, as Jon speaks.

"I swore myself and the North to her cause so she'd help with ours." Jon says.

"And I respect that."

"Respect that? We needed her. We needed her army, the dragons." Jon says, exasperated. 

"And you did the right thing." Arya says. "And we're doing the right thing when we tell you we don't trust your queen."

"You don't know her yet. She saved my life." I tell her, as Arya sighs.

"Aye, but have you noticed a change since then?" she asks, which makes me go silent. I have, especially with the people she's lost. Yet I still felt like I had to believe in her. I owed her my life, which will never change.

"Jon, Eve, we're a family. She isn't one of us." Sansa insists, taking a step closer. "We're the last of the Starks."

Well, not really.

"I need to tell you something." Jon says, looking to me. "But you cannot tell another soul." 

"You have to swear it." I add, as the two looked at us intently. So we told them. Of course they didn't believe us at first, but once we told them about how Bran was able to confirm it they didn't argue. Still, coming clean about our lineage didn't make it feel any better. For some reason, I felt worse. 


It was just about my time to leave to Dragonstone. I was readying one of the horses with a few of Daenerys' men, right as Jon walks up to me. 

"Next time I see you we'll be on the battlefield," Jon says, trying to give me a half-hearted smile. I give a small laugh to my brother.

"Our family doesn't seem to get much peace together, don't we?" I tell him, as he smiles. Soon, it will all be over. The fighting will be done, the Lannisters will no longer be in power, and our family may finally get a happy ending.

"I'll miss you." he says, giving me a hug. I try to engrave that moment in my mind. I was hopeful, but there was still that thought in the back of my mind of what could happen on the road. 

"Try to stay alive." I say as he looks back at me.

"You do the same." he says, as I shake my head.

"Haven't you learned, Jon?" I ask him, as he smiles. "I'm really good at surviving."

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