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"Open the gates!"

       Arriving back at Winterfell was more of a bittersweet moment for Evelyn. She was glad to be home and to be reunited with her siblings, but dreaded what is soon to come. The moment she saw her brother Bran after all these years, she couldn't believe it. He was so much older now. She knew he wasn't the same anymore, though none of them were. 

      "Look at you," Jon says, almost in tears at the sight of his little brother. "You're a man now."

       "Almost." he says, as Evelyn approaches him. 

       "What happened to you?" she asks him, hearing Daenerys being introduced to Sansa. 

       "That's a story for a different time." he tells his sister, who nods. 

        "Winterfell is yours, your grace." Sansa says with a sigh, which immediately gave Evelyn a bad feeling. She knew she wasn't fond of Daenerys at all. 

        "We have no time." Bran speaks up. "The Night King has your dragon. The wall has fallen, and the dead march South."


      Evelyn decided to avoid this communal gathering, much to the fact she knew the Northerners would not be fond of Jon giving up his crown. She instead stayed outside, shooting targets. It was her only way of clearing her head.

       Just as she was about to shoot another arrow, she felt one whiz by her and hit the target instead. She lowered her bow, confused. Then she looked behind her. 

        "Look at you." Evelyn smiles, looking at Arya. 

        "Look at you." she says, taking notice of one of the scars on my face. "Acquired a few more scars, I see." 

         "Well, you know me." Evelyn says, setting her bow down. "Always got a death wish."

       Arya smirks, as Evelyn held her arms out for a hug. The two embrace for the first time in years. 

       "Where have you been?" Evelyn asks, pulling away.

        "Everywhere." she says, as her expression changes.

        "What is it?" 

         "The Red Wedding." Arya asks, as Evelyn nods. "How did you survive?" 

         "Your  uncle," Evelyn smiles. "The Blackfish. I wasn't apart of the feast because of my status. Your uncle helped me escape once we realized things were going to shit." 

         Evelyn turned away, and picked up her bow.

        "Jon said he'll be in the Godswood once the gathering is over. He is excited to see you." Evelyn tells her sister now.

        "We're all together. The last of the Starks." Arya says, as Evelyn nods.

         "Aye, but it also means there's so much more to lose." Evelyn says. On this subject Arya and Evelyn would agree the most. They were both so used to not having to feel anything for a long time. And now that they were back, now that their family was all back together, it was all much more terrifying. 

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