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       It all happened so fast. 

       At the same time, the battle felt like it took an eternity. I guess I blocked out most of it, but miraculously, I survived. The last thing I remember is running into the Godswood after the Night King's men turned to dust. 

       I remember seeing Arya, grinning and looking at her brother. Bran even seemed to be smiling. The two looked to me, and once I realized what happened, I couldn't contain it either. It was all over for now. 

       Then the time came when we rebuilt, and built funeral pyres for those we lost. I followed behind Jon with a torch the light one of ours. I stopped next to where Theon was placed, and looked at him. He died for us. He redeemed himself in my eyes, and it killed me that I wasn't able to tell him. 

       Even with our loses, we gathered for a feast in the great hall. I sat next to my brother as Tormund tries to get him to chug the entire thing of ale, as Jon struggles.

       "Come on! We should celebrate our victory!" he laughs, as Jon shakes his head.

       "Vomiting is not celebrating." he says, smiling at his friend.

       "Yes it is." he says, with a serious look on his face. The feast was short lived, because it was now the Northmen's turn to hold up their side of the deal with the Dragon Queen. We started to plan our siege on King's Landing, realizing just how much men we had left. 

       "If we are all in agreement, Jon and Ser Davos will ride down the Kingsroad with the Northern Troops and whats left of the Dothraki. A smaller group of us will ride to White Harbor and sail from there to Dragonstone with our queen and her dragons accompanying us from above." Tyrion says, looking around the room

       "We have won the Great War. Now we will win the Last War." 


       hi, i'm not dead. don't have much of an excuse as to why i haven't updated in months other then i just did want to. also, i didn't want to describe the long night because it would get way too boring. instead, i had this recap. 

     i'm still not 100% sure how i want this book to end, but i have two ideas. 

     one, the following ending. not describing that one much.

     two, the death ending. i know there would be some people pissed about that one.

     anyways, hope you enjoyed.

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