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I look up to the sky, feeling the ocean breeze on my skin as we sailed to Dragonstone. We were facing some grim odds- that was pretty obvious. More than half of the army was wiped out against the Night King. I know right away that should give me a bad feeling, but the fact is we all knew it wasn't over. Cersei would kill us all if she had her way, and if we turned away from Daenerys it would no doubt create a conflict.

I could feel Tyrion's presence by my side, looking out at the sea with me.

"You look very at peace with yourself, my lady." he comments, as I shake my head.

"Looks can be deceiving."

"What's troubling you?" he asks, finally looking at me. I look at him, thinking about whether I should confide in the Hand of the Queen or not. I trust Tyrion, but I'm still not sure what he would think of my words.

"Just a bad feeling." I say instead, looking back at the waters.

"I think we still have a good chance of sieging the capital. Our army may be small, but the dragons will give us an advantage."

"Aye, that's what worries me." I say, as he looks back at me, waiting for me to elaborate. "What's a kingdom won if it's all in ruins?" 

"We both know that-"

"You're afraid of her." I finally say, letting it dawn on me. Tyrion looks surprised, but only for a moment.

"And you're not?" 

"Like it or not, my lord, our queen has changed." I say to him, looking away. It was true. With Jorah dead, and the possibility of mine and Jon's lineage coming to life, she's bound to change. 

We weren't far from shore now. The dragons flew above us overhead, which grabbed my attention. Then there was a shreik.

Rhaegal called out, as a spear lodged into his chest. Blood started spilling out has the dragon struggled to keep himself in the air. Then another large spear hit him, this time in the neck. That's when he started to fall, crashing into the waters not far from the boat I was on.

That's when I saw it. Greyjoy ships, waiting to ambush us once we hit Dragonstone. And behind the weapon that killed Rhaegal; Euron Greyjoy. 

I could feel the panic flood my body as crewman ran about the ship trying to fight back.  I sat a stared at Daenerys', who fled the scene with Drogon. With a weapon like that, she would have a hard time fighting back. 

With Drogon gone, I watched as the spears flew towards use. One by one, it destroyed parts of our boats, eventually hitting the one I was on and making me fall backwards. I jumped back up, trying to dodge the oncoming weapons as it kept destroying more of the boat below me. I knew there was no hope left. There was one thing left to do.

Plugging my nose, I jumped off the boat and into the icy waters.

Dead By Dawn (Book 4, Game of Thrones)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora