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       "Come on, Pod. Let's see what's changed." Evelyn says with a grin, as she spars with Podrick once again. 

       "You won't be disappointed,  m'lady." Podrick says, knowing she hated the formal title.

       "Oh now you're gonna get it." she says, drawing her sword and moving forward. For a moment, she forgot about the coming battle. A moment of mindless practice was something good. She watched as he was able to deflect each of her jabs, moving gracefully. And that's when she lost her edge. Podrick manages to knock the sword from her hands, with it falling into the dirt. 

       "Guess I've improved." he says, as she snaps back to reality. 

       "Guess so." she says, picking up her sword and walking away. 


      Seeking someplace warm that night, Evelyn found herself walking into the dining hall. 

      "What are the odds?" she laughs, finding Lord Tyrion and Ser Jaime next to the fire in that same hall. "I'm probably about to spend my last night alive with the man who I fought a war against and the one who saved my life."

       "Not the most ideal predicament." Tyrion says, as Evelyn sits down next to him. Just then, the door opens again.

       "Didn't mean to interuppt." Lady Brienne says. "Just looking for someplace warm-"

      "To contemplate our imminent deaths." Evelyn finishes, turning to Brienne. "You've come to the right place."

       "You want some of this piss?" Tyrion offers Podrick. "It's not bad."

       "It's not good either." Jaime says, as Tyrion hands a cup to Evelyn. 

       "Thank you, m'lord." Podrick says.

       "I don't think that's wise." Brienne says, as Podrick hesitates. "Half cup."

        Ser Davos enters the room, followed by Tormund. Evelyn couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of the room of people, and where they all were some time ago.

        "They call you King Killer." Tormund  says, looking to Jaime. 

        "I'm sure someone does." 

        "They call me Giantsbane. Want to know why?" he asks, taking a drink from the horn in his hand. "I killed a giant when I was 10. Then I climbed into bed with his wife. When she woke up, know what she did? Suckled me at her teat for three months. Thought I was her baby. That's why I am so strong."

         Everyone was silent, as Tormund took another drink from the horn. 

         "Maybe I will have a drink." Davos says, as Tyrion pours him one. 

         "What an interesting room of people." she says, looking around. "All who fought for different kings."

          "All of us have fought the Starks at some point." Tyrion says, looking to Evelyn. "And now we are in their castle, ready to defend it."

         They all sat in silence again, drinking and looking to the fire. It wasn't much of a surprise Tyrion broke the silence once again. 

        "How about a song?" he asks, looking around. "One of you has to know one. Ser Davos?" 

       "You'd wish for a quick death." 

       And that's when Podrick sang. 

      High in the halls of the kings who are gone, 

     Jenny would dance with her ghosts.

     Evelyn knew the song, so she joined in partway through. The men in the room were surprised at the voice, given she had proved to not be the kind of lady some assumed her to be. 

    They spun her around on the damp old stones, 

   spun away her sorrow and pain. 

   Once the song was over, Eve couldn't help but feel an overwhelming amount of grief. She stands up, and looks to the men in the room.

   "Excuse me." 

    She rushes outside, and quickly turns a corner to find someplace quiet. Just as she feels the tears start to come, she hears a voice.

    "Are you alright, my lady?" 

    She recognizes Podrick's voice, as she quickly regains her composure.

    "How many times do I have to tell you to not call me that?" she asks, turning to him.

   "My apologies." 

  "We'll all going to die tomorrow." she tells him. "And for the first time in awhile, I'm terrified of that fact." 

   "There is nothing wrong with that fact." he says, as she finally looks to him again. It was all so strange, and as she looked at him she felt herself lost for a second. She shakes her head, and kisses him. 

     "It doesn't matter." she sighs, looking into his eyes. "We'll all be dead by dawn." 

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