I started screaming for help, I screamed and screamed until my voice went hoarse.

Finally, the door burst open.


Snape pushed me violently away, and I lay sobbing and shivering in the crimson water as he sat over Draco, fixing him.

As much as I hated Snape, in that moment I loved him.

"I didn't mean it to happen," I sobbed over and over. "I didn't know what that spell did."

Snape was fucking livid with me. He made me go and get my school bag, curious as to how I knew such Dark magic. I realised I had to hide the book with the scribbles and I had the genius idea of stowing it away in the Room of Requirement.

I ran through a room full of towering piles of junk and ended up slamming up against some great big dark cabinet. I thought for a second of hiding it in there but decided to throw it on a shelf behind it instead.

Returning to Snape, I gave him my schoolbag and in return, he gave me a detention for every remaining Saturday.

"Please, sir," I begged, only caring about one thing and one thing only, "Draco - is he going to be alright?"

Snape surveyed with me a look of utmost disgust. To be honest, I didn't blame him. I hated myself so much too.

"He will be fine, if not a little shaken. It would have been a different story, however, if I hadn't come along just when I did."

I shivered as a feeling of horror went through me. I needed to see him. I was suddenly desperate to touch him and hold him and just reassure myself that he was alive.

But Madam Pomfrey refused point blank.

"NO VISITORS!" She bellowed as I tried desperately to push past her. "I'm under strict instruction to make sure that the Malfoy boy recovers in peace."

That would be Snape's doing then. And I'm pretty sure it had something to do with a certain tattoo.

But I didn't care - I really didn't. I thought I would feel triumphant at discovering I was right all along, but actually I just felt sad. I felt sad for Draco and I wished I had dropped it instead of pushing it - and him - away.

I returned to the hospital wing under my Invisibility Cloak later that night after the last Gryffindor had gone to bed. I wasn't going to let some stupid rule stop me from seeing him.

The wing was empty, except for one bed in the far corner, the curtains pulled securely around it, obscuring the occupant. It had to be Draco.

I tiptoed across and very carefully slipped through the curtain.

My heart clenched at the sight that greeted me.

Looking paler than I thought could ever be possible, Draco, with eyes closed, lay on his side, raw scars clearly visible all over his torso.

I took my cloak off and sank down next to his bed. I tenderly cupped my hand against his cheek and sighed at the warmth of his skin. I closed my eyes and thanked the heavens.


My eyes flew open and I quickly removed my hand from his face. His pale grey eyes were staring into mine and my stomach gave an involuntary flip as I realised just how beautiful they were.

"I'm so sorry, Draco," I whispered, and to my horror, tears started falling down my cheeks.

"Potter? Are you crying?!" His voice, although hoarse, held a hint of amusement.

I hurriedly wiped my face with my sleeves. "Just a touch of hayfever," I mumbled.

His face creased up as his lips tugged into a smile, making his eyes twinkle. The sight made my heart swell with such warmth.

"If you say so, Potter," he chuckled.

We both fell silent, eyes staring sadly at one another. There was so much to say, and yet I didn't know how to voice the words.

Slowly, he reached out a hand, taking hold of mine. I entwined my fingers with his, relishing the feel of him.

"You came," He croaked weakly, "even though you know what I am, you came."

He sounded so sad and relieved at the same time it made my heart twist.

"Draco, I know what you are," I said keeping my voice low and solemn, "you are the boy who has infuriated me for years, you are stubborn and hot headed, you have a habit of running your mouth off-"

"- funny that, Potter," Draco interrupted, a smirk playing on his lips, "but you are describing yourself to a tee there-"

"But." I cut him off, "I've seen a kindness in you I know you don't like to admit to, and I know you've got a good heart in there,"

I paused, looking at him, taking him in. I wanted him to believe me, he had to believe me.

"What I'm trying to say is that I don't care about some stupid ink. It doesn't make you who you are. You are a good person Draco Malfoy, I know you are."

He swallowed, saying nothing. His grey eyes looked deeply into mine in a way that stole the breath from my lungs and caused my pulse to quicken.

"Come here," he said, tugging at my hand and beckoning me to join him as he scooted to the edge of his bed, making room for me.

Tentatively, I lay down next to him, afraid of hurting him. But he pulled me fiercely to his chest, holding me in his arms as he did that night on the dusty classroom floor.

"I'm sorry I tried to hex you," he murmured in my ear.

"I'm sorry I nearly killed you," I murmured back.

"Let's call it even, then," he chuckled.

His arm wrapped tightly around me and I closed my eyes feeling like I could stay like this forever.


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