Changed Plot Kicks Me Off the Team

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I blink as I hear Tatsumi get yelled at by Mine. "Told you so Susu," I flick the back of his head gently as I walk by. "Never forget to knock." I continue on my way but Mine stops me, "uh Wisp?" I turn my body back to face her slightly. "Yeah?" I ask slowly. "Do you want to go shopping for your room now?" She asks quickly.

I blink twice and then nod, "sure." As soon as Tatsumi yells, "I'm supposed to be trained by you today!" I walk back over to him and thump his head along with Mine's head as well. "Both of you need to stop acting like children and grow up a bit. Tatsumi, this is your training sadly." I roll my eyes and continue my walk down the hallway, "we can leave whenever! Just call me and I'll hear you."

I walk out the hideout doors and go to the training grounds where I find Bulat. "Hey Wisp," he greets and I smile a little. "Hello Bulat, training?" I ask and sit on one of the steps. "Yup! What about you? Or do you want to spar?" Memories quickly flash in my mind and I shake my head. "N-No thanks...I'm going with Mine and Tatsumi to shop for my room."

Bulat looks at me closely, almost as if he's analyzing me. "I thought you were blind, so why would you need decorations in your room?" I look down and scratch my head lightly, "oh...well I figured it might make me seem less....strange I guess, I don't know." Bulat laughs loudly, "you aren't that strange Wisp!"

I tilt my head, "really?" He nods, "you may not have a real name but you're one of the funniest people I know!" I pause in surprise, "come again?" He laughs, "its amusing with all those little things you do." He stops when I stand up, "I have to go...Mine is calling me." Bulat pauses, "I didn't hear anything..."

I look the way that Tatsumi and Mine will be running and here they come, "Wisp! Wisp!" They both shout and wave. "Bulat....thanks." I say, not turning around but I can tell he grins. "Call me Bro!" I nod but don't turn back as I walk to Tatsumi and Mine. "Hey guys, I'm blind...not deaf." I comment in irritation.

"Right...?" They both laugh nervously.

I had separated from Mine and Tatsumi at one point and they both had gone crazy. "Calm the heck down. I knew exactly where you both were! I don't need a babysitter!" I growl and turn around, heading back to the base. "Wait!" Tatsumi shouts but I don't stop, Mine probably makes sure he doesn't follow.

I get back to base and put some of the stuff I bought in my room, the rest is with Mine and Tatsumi. I lay on my bed tiredly. "What is it Sheele?" I question the girl in my doorway. "Nothing, I figured-." I cut her off, "that you need to monitor me as well?" I ask sarcastically. "Um no, I wanted to see if you'd take a walk with me..."

I frown and sit up, "I'm sorry. I'm not in the best of moods." I comment and crawl out of bed. "Maybe a walk will calm me down, let's go." I smile and she agrees, leading the way. I follow her out the base and through the woods....wait. "Over the river and through the woods, to grandmother's house we go~!" I start to sing, kind of forgetting Sheele was there.

"You have a nice singing voice," she comments and I flinch. "Wait...what?" I ask slowly. "You have a nice voice," she repeats and I blink. "Uh...thanks," I mumble and check around us. No one is around, "so why did you want to take a walk with me of all people?" I ask, slightly suspicious, they could've told her to kill me.

"Oh, no one really likes to takes walks with me around the base." She explains, I nod. "Oh, where are we going?" I also question when I realize we've left the close perimeters of the base. "I like walking near the lake close by sometimes. I figured you might like it as well."

I nod and walk next to her without another word. "How do you like Night Raid so far?" She asks and I shrug, "I feel like an outsider somewhat. I get that I'm new and sort of secretive but I can tell some people don't want me here." She nods, "it takes time to gain the trust of others even though they may never trust you." I sweat-drop, "uh....was that supposed to make me feel better?" I say that more to myself so she doesn't hear it anyway.

How the Heck Did I Land Here? ~Akame ga Kill fanficWhere stories live. Discover now