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My eyes suddenly wandered to my sides looking for you, but I was at wrong. You stood right in front of me.

I thought you had run away, but no... You were looking at me, standing in the middle of ground totally drenched in the rain. And your expressions, they were the total opposite of your usual ones.

You were smiling, as widely as you ever had. You raised your hands to your sides and started twirling in the rain letting it drench your whole existence. I was left awestruck, staring at the beautiful scene in front of me.

I loved to see how your eyes fluttered open and close as raindrops fell onto your beautiful facade further enhancing your grace. It was honestly a dream come true for me. I wanted to watch you admire the rain and finally my wishes had come true.

"Why are you standing there! Come here Lix!" You called and advanced towards me pulling me by my arm and into the open. I felt the cool air pass by me sending shivers down my spine, I watched you jumping like a kid which just made me fall for you even more.

I slowly grabbed your hand and pulled you towards my body, I could feel your heart race and your cheeks turn red as I brought my face closer to yours.

"Raeha... Marry me please." I said out of the blue. I still don't know why I did that, but in that moment everything was so perfect I wanted to preserve everything and this was the first and only thing that came to my mind.

"Fe-lix... That was sudden..." You replied tears suddenly filling your eyes.

I grabbed your hand and placed it on my chest where my heart raced.

"Raeha... can you trust me with your life? Yes or No?" I asked looking straight into your eyes as the environment suddenly got hot.

"Of course I'll marry you Felix!" You said swiftly tackling my question and shutting me up by placing your lips onto mine.

I reached for your waist pressing myself against your wet body. My heart accelerated at an insane speed as I broke the kiss swiftly carrying you and twirling along with you as you gripped my neck.


"I love you too..." You whispered as to how shy you were regarding our love life. But honestly that was the cutest thing about you.

It made me want you even more.

"Come on let's go home or we'll catch a cold." I called pulling you towards a taxi nearby.

Rain was my guilty pleasure after that day onwards.

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