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The second my question reached your ears, the wide smile curving your plumps lips just dropped down and your eyes became dull again. Instantly I regretted asking what I had asked

"I am sorry I didn't mean to make you sad" I apologized as guilt enveloped my insides.

"Its okay" You looked at me and lifting the corners of your lips you flashed a reassuring smile.

"Well... It's a long story, but I guess you deserve to know..." You said looking down again at your plate in a sad way.

"I mean, you can tell me only if you want to... Or like you trust me..." I said hesitating a little bit.

"I totally trust you, Lee Felix..." You said raising your head looking straight into my eyes. I could clearly tell that you weren't lying. Your eyes were a blazing fire, one that could swallow a whole forest.

"Okay... So, it all started one fine day when I secretly jumped out of my window at night as I was craving some junk food. I slowly escaped to the nearest convenience store and bought a pack of chips, an ice cream and some noodles. I silently sat at the counter and ate my food. A few minutes later as I was looking out of the glass encasement of the store, it slowly started pouring..." You said tears filling your eyes.

" I decided to rush back home before somebody found out that I was out so late, I grabbed an umbrella, paid for it and sprinted towards my house... I was a few yards away from my house when I noticed a smoke rising from- from my house..." You stuttered closing your eyes just to breathe properly as fear engulfed you once again replaying the same scenario in your mind.

"All I heard were screams from the neighborhood... It was a horrifying day in my life. I advanced towards my home which was wrapped up in flames. I suddenly saw something I wish I hadn't... My parents and little brother stood at the window of the house, my father had wrapped his masculine arms around my mum's fragile one as she carried my brother who was just 3 years old..." You said now wrapping your palm over your mouth to suppress the sounds escaping your trembling lips as tears cascaded down your high cheekbones.

My heart broke to a million pieces even thinking about the things that happened to you, let alone even experiencing them.

"... Their faces were- they were smeared with literal fear and it made me scream at the top of my lungs. 'HELP!' was all I could utter at that time as my whole world crippled to my feet in that brief moment... Everything came shattering and soon I wasn't even able to see my family... The clouds were sharing a similar feeling with me; they were emptying themselves onto my being just like I wanted to empty myself... I wanted to scream and call for help, but only if my screams could save my family, they would have been with me today..." You said wiping the tears on you cheeks. Your nose turned red as you softly sniffed collecting yourself.

"I am scared of the rain because whenever it rains, something bad happens to me... If it wasn't for the rain my family could've been saved that day..." You almost shouted holding your head in your palms.

"Wait... what does this have to do with the rain..?" I said still confused.

"It was raining so heavily, that the fire brigade wasn't able to reach our house... The whole town got blocked in a matter of a few minutes..." You said looking into my eyes as if sucking the soul out of me for asking such a question.

"The rain ruined me!"

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