The Tale of a Bard

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The mysterious bard strung a chord,
his weary bones prepared to sing a song.
Sang he of knight and kings,
Of dragons and dames, and of heroes and their fame.
'Bravo! Tremendous! Amazing!' The people cheered.
But do you have something we haven't yet heard?

The bard hummed and moved his hands,
preparing to weave a tale, he began.
"There once was a bard - the best here,
who fell in love with a princess - oh dear!
The bard went to the King to ask for the princess's hand,
Marry my daughter will only the bravest of all,
the one who slays the dragon who plagues our lot! Replied the King.

And so to slay the beast the bard travelled,
to earn the Kings feast he so desired.
As he reached the dragons cave,
he stumbled upon a Knight - bold and brave.
'Oi! Bard! Help me kill the dragon and we shall share the riches'
And so the duo descended into the depths of the ditches.

The bard sang a lullaby to make the dragon drowsy,
The Knight unsheathed his sword and swung the head of easily.
The dragon now slayed,
they made merry and parted ways.
With the dragon's head in hold,
the bard made for home.

With pride, the King proclaimed
'All hail Prince Berren The Great!'"
'Bravo! Tremendous! Amazing!' What a tale,
the crowd proclaimed
'Oh talented bard! What be your name!?'
The bard replied, 'King Berren The Great'

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