"Your family game nights are very interesting." I say with a chuckle as I follow Harry to his bedroom. He closes the door behind us with a sigh. I walked over to the body mirror next to his closet door and fixed my outfit, making sure I looked decent.

"Yeah, they tend to get very competitive. Especially during monopoly." He replied, wrapping his arms around my waist and holding me against his chest.

"Ever since I learned what the term monopoly is also used for, I don't really think of the game when it is mentioned." I say, stifling a laugh as I rest my hands over his.

He looked at me in confusion through the mirror. "What else does it mean?"

"You don't know?" I asked in disbelief.

"No, tell me." He begged.

I raise my eyebrows. "Once you know, I promise you, you will wish you never asked me that."

He rolls his eyes playfully. "I think I'll live."

I bit down on my lip, debating whether or not I should tell him. He can always find out by looking it up, but I wanted to see his reaction so I just went with it.

"It also means...having sex." I told him.

His eyes widened in horror. "You're joking."

I shook my head with an apologetic look. "No."

He let out a groan and rested his forehead on my shoulder. "Now I know why my mates laughed at me when they asked how many times I've played monopoly. I literally told them I've been playing since I was a kid."

I couldn't help but laugh at that, picturing that scenario perfectly. I've met some of Harry's friends and I always figured Harry was the most innocent out of all of them.

"The worst part was that when they asked me that, I was sixteen and a virgin." He sighed, lifting his head back up and looking at me in the mirror. Suddenly, his innocent and cute look melted away when he rested his chin on my shoulder, pressing his lips to my neck.

"What?" I questioned in a low tone, wondering why his mood changed so quickly.

His lips brushed against my ear, making me shiver when he spoke. "What do you say we play our own game of monopoly?" He whispered huskily.

I hummed as his lips continued to trail down my neck and jaw. "I'd say I'm all in.." I trailed off in a seducing tone, smiling when he bit down on my ear. "But too bad your family is here."

His right hand slowly slid down my stomach and toyed with the band of my leggings before sliding his fingers under the fabric. My breathing became extremely heavy, and I felt his chest rising and falling against my back at a quick pace.

He brought his lips to my ear again and made sure to hold eye contact with me through the mirror when he spoke.

"I guess we'll have to be very quiet, then."

• • •

I clear my throat and sit up right in my seat avoiding the stares everyone has given us.

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