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(A/N Okay, Listen up just so you know this is a remake. Got it?! Yesterday I was celebrating my birthday which I manage to finish two chapters. So the moment your all waiting for....Enjoy!!)

The dawn of the next day came far too soon, they headed back towards the well, staring down into it's emptiness. Ratchet, Campy (who was on his shoulder) and an almost healed Ultra Magnus had joined them. 

 Optimus started once they were next to the Well of All Sparks, "In order to both protect the Allspark, and secure Unicron's defeat, it was necessary for me to empty the vessel's contents."

"Into where?" Bee asked.

"The Matrix of Leadership. As such, my own spark can no longer be separated from the multitude of others within me."

Ratchet gasped, "Are you telling us that you are now one with the Allspark?"

Smokescreen chuckled, "That's what you say when someone kicks the..." he trailed off, optics falling. 

"To not return the AllSpark to the Well would be to prevent further generations of new life from existing on quest must be completed." Optimus replied.

"Optimus, I didn't return to save a life, only to lose the one I care most about!" Ratchet barked.

Bulkhead set a servo on his shoulder, "Ratchet's restored planets. He'll find a way to save you."

"We can turn to Vector Sigma, just like we did before." Arcee said quickly.

"Maybe Nova can help you...I mean she's the Herald, right? She can manipulate energy, surely she can separate it from you." Bumblebee added.

Optimus shook his helm, sighing deeply. "No Bumblebee, because the Matrix must now be relinquished to the Allspark, it cannot be restored or passed down to another. But while this may very well mark the end of the age of Primes, leadership can be earned with or without the Matrix. And in my view you have each acted as a Prime." He said as the group took this in.

"Well, I've never really had the best role models." Knockout said sheepishly.

"As even Megatron has demonstrated on this day, every sentient being possess the capacity for change." Optimus continues as he activates his jet pack looking them over once more, "I ask only this of you fellow Autobots; keep fighting the noblest of fights."

"You can count on us to keep the peace." Bee said.

 "Above all, do not lament my absence for in my spark, I know that this is not the end...but merely a new beginning. Simply put, another transformation." Opitmus finished.

Nova had been quiet through the duration of his speech, though several tears threatening to fall, but now stepped towards him. He reached out and pulled her into a hug for one last time.

"I'm really going to miss you, Sire......" Nova whispered sadly.

"As do I." He replied, hugging her tightly. He placed a kiss on her helm before pulling away from her. Optimus smiled at them as he turned to the Well and with his last request, he takes off into the sky then dives back down into the well as the group were filled with mixed emotion. Nova clutched her arms around her waist, watching in sadness as they waited.

And the waiting, turned to a sudden bursting sound, Nova snapped her head down to that sound, the sound of the end...which turned to a sound of humming, soft at first as it built up like a stampede, coming from the well, and as quick and sudden as death can be, life came just as fast, as thousands of sparks burst from the well leaving almost star-dust light behind them as they shot to the sky in many colors, to find there place and emerge self-aware of their new surroundings, perhaps not the most appropriate image for their first glimpse on their new world, but like them, Cybertron would emerge a new with their joint efforts.

Transformers Prime; Journey's EndKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat