"Love, you're really overthinking this." Sweets clicked his seatbelt free. I nodded absentmindedly. This was dramatic to a whole new level, I'm quite aware. I was a one-woman freakshow. I just didn't want a repeat of that one overheard conversation; and the pressure to be the one to keep Ronaldo's heart intact, especially with Bathilda still on the loose, was turning my insides into mushy grapes of destruction.

I nodded my head once more, solemn. "Okay, I'm ready."

Sweets shook his head. "Darlin'," he sighed. And with that unfinished endearment hanging between us, he lured me out of the car. Where we immediately argued over who's carrying my bag. I was getting good at stalling; at this rate, I could maybe gain an entire afternoon before facing the McLoughlin clan.

In my silent victory of procrastination, I lost the actual fight. Sebastian walked away with my bag before I could snap out of it. "Balls," I grumbled behind him.

Sweets stopped at the entrance, giving me a quick kiss to ease my nerves. It had the opposite effect. I now could only think about mauling him at the doorstep. This was a colossal disaster. And then came the first notes of our insane musical.

We walked through the door, Sebastian leading the way on my request—still stealing those seconds to brace myself. You will not disappoint them. You will not disappoint them.

"We're here!" Ronaldo called out through the foyer. They had a foyer, lucky me. That bought an additional .5 seconds. We're here...woo wee that sounded so...permanent. Before I could finish the thought, I watched Sweets get practically shoved to the side, revealing a beaming Renata. All five-foot-three inches of her, exuding a force I could only dream about.

She gripped my arms, pulling me in. "Lia, sweetheart." A kiss bestowed on each of my cheeks. Then again. And a third time. Starting in on a fourth.

"What the hell, Ma?" Sebastian asked mildly hurt. He hadn't received so much as a hello; I fought my snicker.

"Get used to it, lad." His dad clamped a heavy hand on Ronaldo's shoulder. "You've been replaced." Kiernan guffawed at his own little joke.

Before I could snort, I was cannonballed by Eilis. "Lia!" Her hug, tight and unrelenting. She looked me over quickly.

"I said don't make a big deal of this. Ease her in." Ronnie grumbled under his breath. He's warned them ahead of time...

"Ignore him. Sebbie's just annoyed because he used to be the favorite. It's a victorious day for the rest of us. Trust me." She stuck her tongue out at Sweets. "You know, the chosen son returns." She wiggled her fingers.

"Hey, that's not fair, I'm the only son. Not my fault you two have to fight it out amongst yourselves for the chosen daughter title." Kiernan tilted Sweets into him with surprising force. It was like watching two brick walls leaning into each other.

"Ian, don't go poking at the beehive this early in the visit. We still have a whole night ahead of us." They shared a chuckle at his wittiness. It's clear this is all par for the course.

"Ha-ha. Kiernan." Eilis teased her dad with a narrowed gaze.

"Really, Kiern," Renata tutted. Shooting a glare at this patriarch, who looked properly chastised.

"Now, Puppet, don't be upset." Kiernan pleaded his case to his youngest daughter, getting himself ready for his own greetings with me. "I'm only joking. You're all precious to us, you know that."

Eilis scrunched her nose in humor and pulled me into another tight hug. "I'm so happy you're here." She whispered in my ear. I was having a difficult time connecting this reaction to her original one. But I guess she had already told me I was in her good graces in my bedroom, hadn't she? Maybe I was just too pessimistic for my own well being. Either way, I felt the knot in my chest ease. This wasn't so bad. I could do this. "Oh, what the hell is he doing here." She straightened out, glaring over my shoulder. I turned to see Blake waltzing up the drive.

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