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oohhhh i know how i'm gonna end this story nowww!

they arrived at the school in a little less than 10 minutes, and that's when things started to get worse.

tyler's anxiety spiked up when they entered the gym. he didn't know there were going to be so many people. the dance floor was crowded and there were barely any tables left, but the boys managed to get one.

tyler let his eyes wander the room before he pulled out a bottle of alcohol he had hidden in his jacket and poured some into a red solo cup.

"uhm... tyler, don't you wanna lay off the alcohol for tonight?" ryan asked warily.

tyler just shrugged and took a sip of the bitter liquid. "oh c'mon ryan, i thought you were the one that said prom is supposed to be the best night of our senior year?" he asked, mimicking ryan from the other day.

ryan and brendon looked at each other, then back at tyler.

"hey ty, me and ry are gonna go dance. you wanna come?" brendon as they both stood, connecting hands.

"uh, no thanks. i'm not a dancer."

ryan wanted to intervene, but brendon just nodded at tyler and dragged ryan off to the crowded sea of people, leaving tyler alone at the table.

butterflies ~joshler~ ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon