A Little Jealousy

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Y/N didn't care about Hoseok's sexual history. She probably knew more about it then he realized, she didn't fail to notice the girls that glared whenever she was with particular members of their group. There were some she'd never set him up with. Hoseok didn't care as long as Y/N didn't care. But, annoyingly, some people who shouldn't did care.

And Y/N realized this as she gathered up her books and laptop, stuffing them into her backpack. She was the last to leave the lecture room since she'd had some thoughts she wanted to write down. Hoseok had class so she would be walking to his home today.

His home. She refused to call it their home. She was moving back out as soon as they were sure it was safe. Call it a pride thing, but she was determined that she wouldn't be reliant on him, that she'd be able to make her own way. But right now that was about to become the least of her worries.

She heard movement and when she looked up three students were blocking the door. She didn't think much of it. People were rude all the time and acted like they were the only ones in the room. A simple excuse me or just shoving by them, this was Korea after all, usually did the trick.

But when she walked up the stairs she realized the women had their legs spread and arms crossed in a confident, threatening gesture. She stopped in front of them and cocked an eyebrow.

"Excuse me." She said firmly. One of the girls stared at her a moment before laughing. Great. They were doing this on purpose. Y/N flicked her fingers, now annoyed. The girl stopped laughing and all three glared at her.

"I guess she really does think she's better than us." Y/N groaned internally.

"What is this, preschool? Are you four? Move." She made to step forward, intent on shoving them aside, when two of the girls grabbed her and roughly slammed her back against the wall. Y/N winced as her books dug into her back.

"What was that, bitch?"

"I asked if this was preschool." Y/N repeated defiantly, only to receive a slap. "Are you fucking kidding me?!" She raised her voice, not amused at all.

"Do I look like I'm fucking kidding?" One of the girls shook her. The girls were athletes. Strong. "Who do you think you are?!"

"What do you want." She really just wanted this over with. She knew she could beat these girls but she would rather they just walk away.

"I want you to stay away from Jung fucking Hoseok, that's what. He's mine." Y/N peered at her face. She knew she'd never set Hoseok up with this one.

"Are you one of his old fucks?" This time she received a punch to the jaw and was roughly thrown down to the floor. She gasped as she felt a sharp kick to her ribcage and saw stars when one of the other girls kicked her head.

Seriously though, did people never grow up?

"Hoseok's mine. I heard someone say you think you're dating him so I thought I'd set you in your place."

'We haven't even gone on a real date yet." Y/N mumbled and then sighed, realizing she really did have to take care of this or risk permanent injury. She rolled over and received another kick to the ribs but threw her legs up, spearing one of the girls directly In the gut and shoving her back. The girl gasped for air and Y/N grabbed the foot of the second one who tried to kick her. She sat up bringing the leg with her and the girl stumbled back, only not falling all the way down the stairs because Y/N was holding on to her leg. Y/N let go and got to her feet as she was shoved back into the wall behind her and viciously punched.

"Fucking bitch...."

"Oh, grow up." Y/N dodged the next punch and slammed her fist into the woman's ribs. Then she pushed her and ran for the door, dashing down the hall and out the door.

She didn't stop running until she was far away. Stupid children. No. Wait. Children were more mature than those three.

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