One Lucky Guy

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A/N: You guuuuuuuys, I'm so lucky.  I got raffle, I got a floor seat, I'm so excited!

He waited in his car for her last class to finish, his brow furrowed.

"Hey." The door opened and she climbed in, shooting him a smile. He hated that her smiles now weren't as big as they used to be.

"Hey." He leaned over and kissed the top of her head. That was normal right? He waited for her to buckle her seatbelt, turning back to the steering wheel.

"If you glare any harder you're going to shoot a hole through your car. What's wrong?" Hoseok blinked, wondering if he should say anything, then decided if he wanted her to be open with him about everything he should do the same.

"I just....I've realized that even with everything going on, I really don't know that much about you." She cocked her head, waiting for him to finish explaining. "I didn't even know you had a sister and we've been friends for almost a year."

"That's not your fault, Hobi. I don't really talk about my family."

"Why?" She smiled sadly.

"Because people always have questions and I don't like answering them."

"You know so much about me." He said quietly. "Heck, you probably know the names of most of the women on campus I've fucked, my grades since I started here, and when I last got tested." He paused. "Oh....maybe I shouldn't have said that first one....that's not something we're supposed to talk about, right?" To his surprise, Y/N started laughing and shook her head.

"Yeeesss, I do know all that. I mean I set you up with a bunch of them, how could I not?"

"Aren't you supposed to get mad?" He thought he remembered something like that from a movie he'd seen once. Y/N cocked an eyebrow.


"Because we're....involved." His tongue tripped and he shied away from saying ' you're my girlfriend'. He didn't want her to feel rushed.

"It's really stupid to judge people for their sexual pasts. It's like judging them for the movies they watch or how they wash their hair. I don't care as long as there isn't....someone else." He reached over to grab her hand. All he wanted to do was touch her. All the time. All over. But he restricted himself to forehead kisses and holding her hand, plus anything else he'd done previously.

"Thank you." He shook himself. "But it really does bother me that I don't know that much about you." Y/N squeezed his hand.

"We'll talk. And we'll keep talking. And one day you'll know everything about me." That brought a smile to his face and he grinned at her before separating their hands and shifting into reverse.


"I don't want to make a big deal out of it. I know people saw it. I just wanted to let you know that it's taken care of." Namjoon said quietly as they sat down to their study session. Y/N covered her eyes and blinked rapidly a couple times.

"Thank you." She whispered.

"And only Hoseok, my man, and I saw it in our circles. I'm sorry, but that's as small a group as I could keep it. The others didn't look." Y/N had to blink again.

"You have no idea how much it means to me that you guys chose to not look at them."

"Of course. Hey. Hey, hey, hey." Namjoon got up and walked around the table, wrapping her up in a hug.

"Sorry." Y/N wiped her eyes and pulled back.

"You don't have to apologize, you did nothing wrong."

"I'm not crying for that. It's just..." She took a deep breath and composed herself. She felt so emotional lately. Like she was on a roller coaster. She hated it. She'd always considered herself logical and rational, she didn't like this. It made her easier to manipulate. "It really means a lot that you guys would do that." Namjoon smiled and patted her shoulder before returning to his seat.

"My man said to tell you..." He hesitated. "He said to tell you that Hoseok is one really lucky guy." Y/N blushed and facepalmed.

"Oh my god, seriously."

"It's a compliment."

"I know, but seriously."

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