VII. Football and Fights

Start from the beginning

"Wow... that thing i said about you the other day, not being a quitter, i so take it back." I laugh. She laughs along with me, until she stops looking over my shoulder.

    "Oooh, look at you. You look hot in a jersey." Elena smiles, i turn around seeing Stefan and my face falls slightly, last nights nightmare playing over in my head. 

    "What happened? No more cheerleader?" Stefan asks with a smile. 

     "I quit, i'm a quitter. But at least my favorite is still on the team." Elena says looking over to me. Stefan looks over to me and smiles, which i don't return, causing Elena to frown. 

    "I um... i gotta go." I tell them, walking away. When i walk back over to Caroline her eyes lighten up. 

    "I forgot to tell you something." She squeals. "I got you something, come on." She pulls me back over to her car. 

    "You got me something?" I laugh.

"Yeah, what type of best friend would i be if i never got you things." Caroline says in a 'duh' tone. She pulls out a black bag, I look at it skeptically, she's more extra than this... "Open it." She urges. 
    I smile, pulling the draw strings back. I tilt the bag into my hand. It was a necklace, a silver chain that connected to a silver bar that dropped down and it held a green gem. 

    "Oh my god..." I gasp. 

"Do you like it?" She asks, a worried tone lacing her voice. I look up to her and smile. 

      "I love it." She lets out a breath and smiles. "Put it on me." 

    "Okay."She beams, taking the necklace and putting it on me. To say i loved it would be an understatement. She sees me in it and squeals. She looks over my shoulder and then frowns. 

    "Is that Elena?" She frowns. My eyes widen and she take my hand, pulling me over. Stefan sees us coming and then looks to me with narrowed eyes, or more specifically, my necklace. 

    "Is that new?" Stefan asks. I nod and he frowns. "Where'd you get it?" 

    "Caroline." I say, looking to her. Stefan looks up to her with narrowed eyes. 

    "Where did you get that?" 

"A store." Caroline says in a 'duh' tone before looking to Elena. "And you're not in uniform because..." Elena's smile falls and her eyes go wide. 

   Beware the wrath of Caroline.


     Everyone started to cheer as the bonfire started, the flames engulfing the wood. Tanner tapped on the P.A system, trying to get everyone to quiet down. "Quiet down, quiet down." Tanner said over the P.A system. "Quiet down a little bit. Okay?" Bonnie nudged my arm and i frowned slightly, i followed her gaze to Elena who looked lost in the crowd. 

    "She quit." I shrugged, still moving my pom poms. 

      "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait." Tanner called out once again. I looked over to the football players who looked bored, but i knew were basking in the glory. "Wait. Now let's be honest here. In the past, we used to let other teams come into our town and roll right over us!"
    The crowd started to boo, pointing their thumbs down. I laughed, copying their actions. 

    "But that's all about to change." The crowd started to cheer again. "We've got some great new talent starting tonight on the offensive line, and i'm gonna tell you right now, it has been a long time since i have seen a kid like this with hands like these." Some of the players on the team, more specifically, Matt and Tyler shook their heads and rolled their eyes as Tanner praised Stefan. 
     My face was emotionless as well, Stefan gave me an off vibe, even if he hadn't done anything wrong... yet. I felt like something bad was going to happen whenever he's around.  

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