Age of ultron

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 You decided to read this, yay! This chapter takes place at the end of the age of ultron movie, with a few switching point of views, please share your opinions with me, my inbox is always open!

Quicksilver POV

We were starting to load everyone onto the hellicariers. I did a few more rounds but couldn't find anyone else. I ran back quickly, triple checking on my way. The world was a blur of colour, gray stone buildings flashed passed, along with robots piled around me. most people would not be able to see me.

But I was confident that I had found everyone. When I skidded to a halt as I reached the lifts., I got onto one, knowing how mad my sister would be if I waited for her.

I turned, quadruple checking as we were getting ready to leave. Just across from me I saw Clint with a young boy. Bullets were raining down getting closer and closer to them as they ran.

I knew the risks, but better me than them. If I didn't die Wanda was going to kill me. I ran as fast as I could and carried them, bringing them to safety, the bullets  were getting awfully close now, they were about to hit me.....

Scarlet witch POV 

"Alright Wanda " tony said over the com. "You can head back and leave with the others, we got it covered here" I nodded. Before realizing tony couldn't hear a nod, "yes stark" I sighed. Running towards the lifts to the hellicariers.


 I arrived minutes before the last one left, only to see my brother, with a wave of bullets about to hit him as he carried someone. "Pietro!"  I screamed.

The wave of bullets stopped in a wall, just before hitting my brother. Pietro stopped after dropping off the people he was carrying, who turned out to be Clint and a young boy. There was a sudden noise to my right, and I turned to stare.

A girl, with her hair dark brown and surrounding her in the wind was standing on top of a hill of debris. Her hands out stretched towards the bullets. Her arms were shaking, and her brow creased as she pushed. As she did so, the bullets and giant gun machine thing moved backwards, away from us.

Pietro caught my gaze for a second, but saw what I was staring at and turned to look. So did captain America.

She pushed the machine far from anyone before moving her hands away from each other in a ripping motion. Making the whole then tear apart and the bullets drop the ground.

I couldn't see her face, it was half covered by a sort of mask, all the way up to her nose and slanting down slightly under her eyes. Sort of like what Bucky wore as the winter soldier. I saw her eyes though, deep chocolate brown. 

She finished with the mess before looking down at us. When she saw she had been spotted, fear flashed across her eyes. I could hear a faint whispering, and I grabbed for her mind. I felt a strange sensation, like feathers, but solid and warm as the earth, but also blazing heat, and relaxing cool all at the same time.before I could probe her mind further she pushed me out. And moved her hands in an upward motion.

She was lifted up into the sky, she looked like she was floating. There was a bang, and she was gone.

I shook myself out of my trance and raced towards my idiot brother. "Pietro!" I said running into him. "How would you dare to almost die?" He shrugged . " I did not, did I ?" "If it was not for that girl" I started to say.

His brows furrowed, " I thought it was a boy" . "No" I said. "I am sure" he shrugged. "If you are sure"

I grabbed his arm and dragged him to the lift. "No more almost dying for today"

The gale, (quicksilver) (avengers)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora