We all laugh at the half breed baby that bounces in my arms, clamoring over the child we all adore. The Cullen's ears all perk up and turn to look out the glass wall, the Newlyweds arrived back from their hunt and Bella's dress was ripped up at the end. 

"SHE CAN'T HURT HER, SHE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW HER OWN STRENGTH," Jacob growls at me silently, knowing that if he verbally expressed his Imprint driven concerns the Cullen Coven would immediately belittle his concerns. 


Jacob runs back into the room straight to me and Rose, who's trying to steal Renesmee from me. As the couple walks into the room, the whole family turns to face Bella. My back remains to her, her smell becoming increasingly strong and repulsive. 

"Welcome to the family," Esme coos in her motherly tone that I've grown accustomed to in the past three days. 

"You look amazing, Bella," Alice compliments. 

"Someone's been waiting to meet you," Carlisle smiles. 

"Kota," Edward puts his hand on my shoulder, an action I've grown accustomed to in the past few days that I normally would have snarled at him for. 

I turn to see my cousin, she always was a beautiful girl but now she was breathtaking. Truly fitting in with her new clan of supernaturally beautiful people, making Jake and I pale in comparison. Balancing Ness on my hip, I reluctantly turn over the infant to her mother. Renesmee tenderly touches Bella's face, showing her the first memory she has of her mother. 

"What was that?" Bella asks, mesmerized by her gifted daughter. 

I'm jealous that everyone can see and hear her with her touch but I can't. I once found myself grateful for my gift of shielding myself from their gifts, but now all I want is for Renesmee to communicate with me via a single touch.

Edward chuckles, smiling lovingly at his wife and beautiful child, "She showed you the first memory she has of you." 

Bella refuses to take her eyes off her daughter, not wanting to miss another second of her, "Showed me? How?" 

Edward and Alice chuckle at Bella's curiosity, wondering themselves how they obtained these special abilities in their second life after human death, "How do I hear thoughts? How does Alice see the future? She's gifted." 

Bella notices how much older Renesmee looks for only being three days old, seeing that she already has a full set of teeth, "I've only been out for two days?" 

She looks around the room for validation stopping at Carlisle, who most likely has the best answer about her baby's accelerated growth rate, "Her growth rate is unprecedented." 

Bella looks adoringly down at her daughter, readjusting how she was holding Ness. Jacob looks as though he's ready to implode as he quietly yelped in fear of Bella dropping her child. "JACOB EPHRAIM BLACK, DO NOT DO WHAT I THINK YOU'RE ABOUT TO DO." I hiss in my head seeing that he protectively stepped closer to Bella, rolling my eyes at him taking action against my advisement, "All right. That's enough experimenting for one day." 

Edward has been a lot cooler about Jake's Imprinting on his newborn baby that I would have been, if I were in his shoes I would have beat the crap out of him. Hell I still do want to beat him for his involuntary imprint on my cousin's daughter, finding the Ancestor's choice for him a cruel and sick twist of fate. Bella, instinctually, pulls the babbling girl close to her chest when Jake tries to take her, baring her teeth at her best friend. Edward looks at me but we both know that there is nothing anyone can do to control his protective instincts, "Jacob. She's doing great."

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