Chapter 10

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"Too early?" Hizashi asked hesitantly, an eyebrow raised at Shota, who looked tired as always. Bed hair, groggy eyes, hunched back.

"Always." Shota tried to close the door, but Hizashi held it open.

"It's the afternoon!"

"That's my nap time."

Hizashi gave an unamused look, inviting himself in anyway. "I won't bother you."

"You already are."

"Can we talk?"

"We already are."

"Aizawa," Hizashi groaned. "Please?"

Shota said nothing, instead moving away from the door and towards the couch. Hizashi closed the door, confused.

"What?" Shota asked, flopping down on the couch, staring back at him intently. Even the cat stared at Hizashi, silently judging.

"Uh." Hizashi didn't expect it to be this straightforward. "Well. You see...."

Shota yawned and rubbed his eyes. "No, I don't see." As if he remembered something, he grabbed a small bottle from the nearby desk and brought it to his eyes.

"Eyedroppers. I have dry eyes." Shota answered the unasked question.

"Oh. Wh—?"

"The doctor said reading and the screen strains my eyes too much," Shota scoffed. "As if everything else doesn't strain me."

Hizashi didn't exactly know how to reply to that. So he abruptly changed the topic back to what he wanted to tell him.

"So... you remember what happened in high school?" Hizashi asked. "I never got the chance to apologize properly or make it up to you. And I'm sorry about the story."

"I don't need your pity or apology." Shota glared at him. "I'm over it. You're forgiven. But I still don't trust you. Our relationship was over a long time ago."

Good enough, Hizashi thought. He mumbled, "Thanks. That's all I wanted to say." He stood awkwardly, not exactly wanting to leave.

Shota huffed, noticing his reluctance. "Since you're here anyway, feel free to go ahead and read the story. The laptop's in the kitchen."

Hizashi nodded excitedly. He had wanted to talk to Shota more, perhaps get him in a friendlier manner. However, Shota followed him over, so Hizashi didn't have to worry about being uncomfortable alone in Shota's kitchen.

"Did you publish any books so far?" Hizashi asked. Shota typed in the password and paused. Instead of answering, he opened up the docs for Hizashi and sat down next to him.

It was an awkward silence as Hizashi started scrolling, not wanting to ask again if he hadn't heard. He felt Shota's gaze on him, tired and wary. Then he realized. Shota was keeping true to his word that he didn't trust him.

Hizashi frowned. Shota probably didn't trust that he wouldn't go through his email or search history or files. He refrained from sighing. Shota had a perfectly good reason to not trust him.

Suddenly, the cat jumped up onto the table, causing Hizashi to yell in surprise and flail his arms back. He sat stone still, cross-eyed looking through his glasses as she sniffed his face, then touched his nose with hers.

Hizashi heard a snort from Shota and looked to him. He had the barest hint of a grin.

Hizashi cleared his throat. "Uh. Nice cat."

"Her name's Boo," Shota said.

"I can see why." Hizashi moved his hand away from the pad as Boo lied down across the keyboard without a care in the world. She stared at Hizashi, as if daring him to move her. He did dare, attempting to get his hands around her.

Insecurities [Shota Aizawa x Hizashi Yamada]Where stories live. Discover now