Chapter 6

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"Dammit," Hizashi huffed. "I'm still not over him."

It didn't take long for Hizashi to make it back home with those long legs of his. He had been thinking about Shota the whole way, wishing he could change things.

He had slumped down in his chair, spinning with it, frustrated.

Honestly, Hizashi felt a bit creepy, having so little interactions with a long-lost friend and still liking him.

He grabbed his phone and turned off airplane mode, wanting to check his social media accounts to distract himself from Shota.

Instead, he saw a message from Nemuri. She had sent him Toshinori's and Shota's number.

Hizashi's mind immediately went to contacting Shota over Toshinori.

He wasn't often up for texting, but the excitement from hanging out with his friends put him in the mood. However, as he started texting a greeting, he hesitated.

Toshinori and Shota were close, so he decided to talk to the other blond first. It would be much more comfortable for him.

>Hey, Toshinori, this is Hizashi!
>How you doing?

It didn't take long for him to respond, to Hizashi's surprise.

<I figured you'd text me as soon as you got my number.
<What's up?

Hizashi refrained from responding with his usual answer of "the sky".

>It's been a while.
>Just wanted to say hey.

<It has.

>And have you and Aizawa been close?

Hizashi mentally slapped himself at how badly he did a smooth transition. He could just see the unamused look on Toshinori's face

>Just wondering if you have any ideas on how I can talk to him?
>Nemuri sent me his number and I wanted to text him and get back on good terms with him.

<You're probably screwed if you text him.

Hizashi rolled his eyes. He's been screwing up his whole life.

>If I can get through high school with you guys combined I can handle one person.
>And I go through a variety of people everyday on the media.

<I see, I found your Instagram.
<Your art style has changed a lot in the past 12 years.

>It's been that long? Jeez.
>Aizawa said the same thing tonight.
>It hasn't been very consistent though.

<There's nothing wrong with that.

It was nice to talk to Toshinori, since he was always so supportive. Hizashi and Toshinori continued talking about Hizashi's artist life, drifting away from the topic about Shota.

They started talking about college, student loans, and just general adult responsibilities.

Hizashi found himself chuckling to himself as he read the replies about Toshinori's teacher work with the students. That brought it back to Shota, who worked with him. Hizashi started thinking again about whether or not to text him.

Toshinori seemed to have been brought back to the topic as well.

<I have sort of an idea.
<For getting you back with Shota.

The sudden change back to his friend piqued Hizashi's interest.

>What is it?

There was a long pause between his text and the response.

<Never mind.
<He wouldn't want me telling you.

>Tell me what?

There was no reply for a long time. Hizashi let out a frustrated sigh, when a simple "No" was texted back. Grumbling under his breath, he suddenly had his own stupid little idea and smirked. Did Toshinori forget how stubborn he could be?

>Tell me?
>What is it?
>What doesn't he want me to know?



<I will block and mute you.




Hizashi was self-aware of how annoying he could be.

<I'll talk to Shota about it.

Hizashi grinned. At least he was getting somewhere.

<Shota's working on a story.

>I thought he stopped writing?

<He didn't want anyone to know.

>How come?

<Why do you think?

Hizashi thought back to the conversation with Shota earlier, then him annoying Toshinori just now.

>Okay fine. Is it published?

<I'm not giving you details.
<But I can set up a date for us and we can help him with it.


<He said he was struggling with motivation lately.
<Three of us, I'm sure he won't mind too much if I'm there.

>I thought you were good at keeping secrets.

<I am.
<It's just for the greater good.

Hizashi couldn't complain. Toshinori told him he would tell Shota about it.

<Don't tell anyone else about it.
<I'm only telling you because you two were close.

Insecurities [Shota Aizawa x Hizashi Yamada]Where stories live. Discover now