I was about to get down from the railing after a very long day and night. I'm very tired, mentally, emotionally and physically and I have no energy to go through with her madness again right this moment.

"But if you still have any doubts, we will prove you that you all are never obstacle to mine and his relationship." My steps halted when I heard her say that.

Nah, I need to fly away right now before she gets anymore silly ideas that I'm not ready for.

I will not let her control my life.

I mean, I kind of got habituated to her, I agree but I will never let her have the upper hand.


"My Lord, Can you please come down here? Your fans are waiting for you and so am I." Without another thought, I climbed into the awaiting helicopter and waited for the pilot to take off but that f**ker just leaned to the vehicle and crossed his arms over his chest nonchalantly without any care.

"Let's go, Richard." I gritted my teeth so much that the people standing downstairs might drench in my teeth powder.

"Sorry boss, but I can't go against Miss White's will." He replied back shortly continuing to ignore the fact that I'm the leader here.

How the blast is my staff so concerned of the Crazy White's will?

Oh my God! My head is going to burst into pieces if this continues.

"I'm your boss." I stated curtly to knock some sense into him.

"And she is your boss." He replied back indicating to the fact that I'm going to marry her.

No, don't loose your control Callisto. Just remember the anger management exercises you used to do. Breath in and breath out.

Think about the happy moments.

Think about the moments you are grateful for.

Think about your friends who are more than brothers to you.

Think about your happy future.

"My Lord!" F***ing Sh*t.

"Coming dammit. Coming." I shouted but the voice cannot reach her because unlike her I'm not holding a mike.

With a stomp – yes, a stomp; with a stomp, I climbed down from the helicopter and got down to the ground floor where my dear fiancée and my dearest effing fans are waiting for me.

The moment I came out of the elevator, I was astonished and dumbstruck to see huge crowd with hundreds of people waiting for me. From the top floor, I could only see some seventy to ninety people but here, there are hundreds of them.


All of them took a side step and made a way for me to reach Cuckoo while my security guards are trying to control them from reaching out to me.

Trust me, I'm quite irritated, trust me; but I had to put on a smile as if I just made a homerun.

With the hoots and whistles I'm getting, Cuckoo very graciously turned to me with a pleasant smile and joined my fans in whistling.

Now she is whistling at me? Only this is lacking!

It took great time to reach her but after so much of pushing a pulling, I finally reached the spot where she is.

Now what?

What is she planning now?

How will she clear their doubts?

Will she ask me to show them my powers as a God?

Will she ask me to transform into my Godly form like she always pesters me to?

Or will she ask me to confess my undying, unrottening, selfless love for her again?

As I inched towards her in hesitant steps, my heart in my chest is beating wildly with the unknown events that are yet to happen.

Every beat that my heart takes is nowhere in normal frequency. For the first time, there is a light of fear in my dark heart.

As I came in front of her, the reporters tried to get my interview but before they can say anything or before I could say anything, she held both my shoulder and just pushed me down vertically making me plop down on my knee.

"Wh-" I was about to blurt out in anger but was cut off by the running Kevin who approached me with a high voltage smile and slapped a small circular thing in my hand.

A ring.

Oh no no no no!

Not this, please not this!

I was surprised, my eyes were widened and my mouth was open hanging to the floor. I was frozen.

I had no time to manage this situation to my favor because as soon as the ring was placed in my hand, Cuckoo held my hand and made it put the ring on her left hand finger.

Wait... what about my approval?

What about my wishes and my actions?

What about me?

Am I just a doll that does everything she makes me to do?

Am I a puppet in her hands with no life of my own?

People clapped and hooted again and did not really care about the shock that is visible on my face. They just focused on the good side that Cuckoo portrayed on me.

She held my shoulders again and pulled me up into a standing position dusting by pants. Once I was standing tall, confused and irritated in front of her with my smiling staff and hollering fans, she kissed me on my cheek and tiptoed as her cheek touched my lips.

"Here, we are engaged officially now. Happy?" She asked happily.

She is happy!

Theois is looking happy.

Kevin is beyond happy.

I know King and Queen will be happy too.

The media is happy.

My fans are happy.

While I'm pondering about my messed up life, Cuckoo quietly placed what looked like a piece of paper in my hand.

With least bit of curiosity I opened it to find a well made dialogue I have to say to give a good ending to this. I gave her a aggravated look and heaved heavily after reading what's in the slip.

'You are my life and I am yours. Now we will explore the world of love together, with each other towards each other. My heart beats only your names. I love you so much, Albina Rae White.'

Like heck I will say this!


Hello Sweeties,

Next chapter is here. Enjoy!

Finally they had their most awaited engagement.

What do you think about the chapter?

What will happen to Callisto after wedding?

Will wedding take place or will he manage to slip away from it?

Will he realize the reason for why he felt incomplete when he missed her?

Does he love her or didn't realize it yet?

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Lots of Love

Lady Prim

The Mafia God (Crazy Mafia series Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now