He got lost into his thoughts and didn't notice Winston staring at him. Winston was taking in the boys beauty. He'd never seen someone so uniquely handsome. His chestnut eyes to his pink lips.

   Monty looked over and saw Winston analyzing him. Winston leaned closer to Monty's face, waiting for his reaction. When he didn't move Winston took that as a sign and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips. Monty felt Winston's smooth lips collide with his. His whole world turned upside down. He deepened the kiss and wrapped his hand on the back of Winston's head to pull him closer.

The kiss became more heated and the boys were fully making out. Winston wanted to go farther so he glided his hand under Monty's shirt causing him to wince in pain.

"What's wrong?" Winston asked. He pulled his hand away when he saw discomfort on Monty's face. Monty didn't answer back because he didn't think anyone wanted to hear a sad story about his abusive father. Monty got up and left. Leaving Winston all alone; wondering what was going on in Monty's head and what secret he hide.

   Monty never wanted to see that boy again. He already got to close to him and he didn't want the boy asking more questions. He didn't like discussing about his home life. He rarely talked about it with his teammates. They asked why he showed up to school with a black eye and he would just say his dad did it. He didn't explain further and his teammates didn't ask either.

   School came around and Monty was excited to start the new school year because he didn't want to be home with his dad all day.

"Yo, you excited for todays game?" Diego shook Monty violently making Monty want to puke.

"Hell yeah!" Monty answered back when Diego let go of him. Tryouts too place a few weeks before school started because the coach wanted a head start with other schools. Everyone already secured their spot so now the coach was working them to death.

They had a game against their rival school, Hillcrest High School; Liberty was known for hating the school and honestly Monty didn't know why. Sure, he was competitive but his emotions didn't go that deep into a school he wasn't going to see after high school.

   Monty attended his classes like usual. He kept hearing everyone talking about the game. It was honestly giving him a bad headache. School ended and the team got on the traveling bus and headed towards Hillcrest. The team blasted song through their speakers. Monty barely managed to take a nap through the ruckus his teammates were causing.

They headed to the locker room and changed as the coach gave them a pep talk that didn't sound very inspirational.

   They took the field and everyone was hyped up. Monty heard the crowd from their school cheering and screaming. He knew they weren't cheering for him because everyone knew as the bully of the school. He was only a "bully" because he didn't want people to ask questions or even talk to him. He's always put on a mask when he went anywhere. He didn't want anyone to see the scared kid looking behind his back all the time in fear of his dad.

   The game started and everything was going good and better than the coach had expected.

   Monty ran past a guy and Zach launched the football his way. He caught it and began running past the defense. He felt his lungs gasping for air and sweat dripping down his forehead. He kept running and running until he made touchdown.

   He dropped the football and smiled underneath his helmet. He'll definitely remember this moment. Seeing the bright lights and hearing cheers that we're actually for him.

   Diego came charging after him and lifted him into the air. Monty laughed and felt so proud of himself.

   He got down and looked over at the bleachers.

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