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The entire family is gathered on the beach. Dustin and Belle left the Nightshade pack, and no one had heard from the since. Uncle Ralph gave the Beta position to Tommy when he became 18. The title sits well on his shoulders for now.  I make my way through the crowds of people, laughing and smiling.

Jason was playing in the sand with Taylor. My dad and uncle were holding the twins, Samantha and Gabriel. Feeling movement from my stomach, I slowly rub it. Instantly, Sam’s at my side. “Are you alright sis?” Concern floods his voice and face. I smile at him. Every day he does something that reminds me so much of the twin I lost. “I’m fine little brother.” I say teasingly. “Just a little kick.”

He smiles back. “I just wanted to make sure.” I nod and he disappears back into the crowd. I feel someone behind me and I turn. I smile when I see Tommy. His raven black hair was cut in military fashion. He never let it grow out. Every week he would go and get it cut. His emerald eyes sparkled with love and laughter, and his smile never left his face unless he was dealing with business.

At 7 foot 4, he stood taller than anyone here, and that’s saying something. He hugs me softly and presses a kiss on my forehead. “Come on Ma. You need to sit down and rest your feet. It isn’t too healthy for you to be standing up so long.” I laugh at his concern. “I’ll be fine Tom. I stood on my feet for hours when I was expecting you.”

“Maybe that’s why I hate sitting down for too long.” I laugh with him, but I let him lead me to a chair. “That maybe be why son.” Jason looks at me and I smile. Over the years, we’d faced so many dangers, but we had triumphed in the end. I watch Tommy’s face as he glances towards his little sister and father. Jase and I haven’t told him yet that the goddess was making him alpha king soon, but I had a feeling he knew. He acted so grown up, so mature his whole life.

He was a son that any parent would be proud to have. I wipe a tear away quickly before anyone could see it. The goddess has blessed my entire family with happiness and peace. Our packs were strong and healthy. Not many challenged us, and for that I was grateful. I lean against the chair and close my eyes, feeling the warm rays of the sun hit me. At the moment everything was right in the world and with my family. And I was at peace with that. 

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