Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Tyler’s POV

            Sam and I were standing in the back yard surrounded by our pack. We watched as mom and dad stepped out of the house holding a huge cake. The right side was covered in red icing and the left side was covered in blue. In the middle of the cake stood 17 burning candles.

            Both Sam’s face and my own had a huge grin on it. A gentle breeze made the flames dance. But it also brought the awful smell of rouges with it as well. We watched as rouges poured out of the woods. Mom tries to get the little kids to the safe room, but we’re surrounded before she could get very far. The sound of clothes ripping and bones popping fills the air.

            I look at the ground to see our birthday cake trampled into the dirt. Sam and I are standing back to back, fighting and killing. Suddenly, a hot searing pain shots up my hind leg. Knowing that I’m fine, I turn to see a rouge break Sam’s leg. I growl loudly, drawing his attention to me. He smirks, but I jump on him before he could move. Within seconds, he’s dead.

            The pack doctor couldn’t explain why Sam and I were able to fill the other’s pain. But we thought it was kind of cool. It made us closer as siblings. It was almost like a mate bond.

            Sensing a rouge in front of me, I flip over grabbing his neck. I snap it in half quickly. I get rid of another rouge when I see a flash of black in the corner of my eye. Before I could move, a burning sensation spreads all throughout my body. I watch as the rouge sneaks towards my brother. Growly at him, I charge forward, hitting him in the side. I could hear a rib or two breaks.

            I grab the fur on his should and pull. He yips in pain. He tosses me off like a pup. I hit a tree and fall to the ground dazed. I lay there trying to catch my breath. I struggle to get up. Never before had I ever had a problem like this in battle. I hear laughing and look up. The black wolf was just staring at me. “Silly pup, you should watch out for needle pricks. You never know when one will have some wolf’s bane on it.”

            I growl at him and lunge forward. I grab his throat and tear it a little. Again he tosses me away like I’m a rag doll. I land hard on the ground. He stalks towards me. “I’m going to enjoy killing you pup.” He sneers at me. Suddenly the flash of Sam’s blood red wolf catches me eyes. I watch in horror as he jumps on the rouge. They fight hard before the rouge trips my brother and break his neck. My body is on fire as I feel my brother fight for his last breath. Then the pain’s gone.

            Suddenly my vision becomes red. I jump up and pounce on the rouge. Ripping his throat out, I don’t stop until there’s little of him left. Then I slowly drag myself over to Sam. Lying across his body, I let out a soul jerking howl, letting all my pain and emptiness go. Sensing danger in front of me, I lay my ears back and growl menacingly.

            I wake up covered in sweat, screaming. I hear the sound of running feet and I jump out of my bed. Cowering in my dark closet, I feel my heart racing. I sense danger approaching. Letting out a feral growl, I hear my mom gasp. “Honey?” she calls to me. I could tell that Lilly, my wolf, was on the verge of taking over. “Tyler, sweetheart,” my dad calls to me, “You’re safe. There’s no danger. It was a nightmare. You’re safe.” Slowly my heart beat returns to normal, and I feel the tears start to fall. “Daddy,” I whisper, “It wasn’t a nightmare. It was real. Oh, it was real.”

            I knew he understood what I was talking about when his voice became a whisper. “Shh now baby girl. Daddy’s got you. Nothing can hurt you. I got you.” He kept repeating. Mom gives me a kiss on my head as Dad picks me up. Lying my on my bed, Mom covers me up. “Why don’t you try and get some more sleep honey.”  

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