Apocalypse's Horsemen [21]

Start from the beginning

I shook my head and made to move again. A hand wrapped around my arm and held me still. I only just stopped myself from petulantly stamping my foot.

“I cannot leave him again. We have already failed him once.”

Lucius pulled me tighter to him, squeezing his arms around me.

“Aurelia is the best we can do for him right now Vannah. Trust me on this.” Lucius pressed his cheek against mine, seemingly oblivious to all of the watching eyes and listening ears. “I feel the burden of this failure as if I had struck each and every blow to Castiel. You did not fail him. I did. I have known him since he was created by our father and even I did not notice that it was not him. I did not notice that it was actually an imposter.”

In a matter of seconds I had turned, my sword had disappeared the moment his arms had fallen away from me so I was free to put both arms around his waist  and offer him the comfort he had given me over and over again.

“It will be alright. We will make them pay for what they have done.” I laughed bitterly and pressed my forehead to his chest. “I know we keep saying it but they will be made to pay for their actions.”

Hades cleared his throat.

“Maybe we should take these discussions elsewhere.” He gently inclined his head towards those closest to us. Expressions varied but fear lingered heaviest amongst those gathered.

“You’re right. They deserve to know what’s happening but not like this.”

I allowed myself to step away from Lucius but I held out my hand, giving his a reassuring squeeze when his fingers entwined with mine.

It took us hardly any time to get back to the palace. I barely noticed the grandeur, the spectacular crystal that formed the castle, as I stepped inside the walls. Inside I was hurting, my heart feeling strangely bereft now that we had left Castiel in the care of Aurelia. She was a stranger to us and too often these days we were facing the unfamiliar. For once I wanted things to go right, to recognise the people and the world around me.

I took two steps forward, heard the doors to the palace close behind us before I slumped to the black tiled floor. Lucius made no effort to help me up. He just sprawled out of the floor beside me in an undignified heap. We laid there for several seconds in silence, just breathing as we looked up at the glowing crystals above us. Leaning against the doors, Hades watched both of us while his arms were folded across his chest like a silent sentinel.

The silence dragged and pulled at me until I finally had to speak.

“I forgot to mention it before.”


I could feel Lucius’ inquisitive gaze as he turned his face towards me, his eyes trained upon the side on my face.

“Our swords, they work on the horsemen. Or at least it did something.”

Lucius held his breath. I didn’t even have to look to see the hope glimmering within his soul.


I shifted so that I lay down beside him and blew out a breath.

“I stabbed Famine with my sword and he froze. My blade cut though his heart and he turned into a living statue.” I let my eyes stray over to the blonde giant before letting my attention drift to the ceiling above me.  “Did you know that our swords could do that? Did you know that the blades could stop them in their tracks?”

“No.” Lucius forced himself upright. “I only knew the stories of the horsemen that humans have been taught. They existed before all of us. Some say that death will never be destroyed completely and I agree. It’s why reapers were born essentially. Death must always happen when life exists.”

Apocalypse's Horsemen (Devil's Assistant Series - Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now